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This ansible playbook is deploying most of the monitoring solutions discussed in the Best Practice Paper:
Infrastructure monitoring for SAP Systems.


The following components are currently implemented:


Data Storage, Visualization and Notification (Server components)

  • Grafana Dashboard
  • Prometheus Server
  • Prometheus Alertmanager
  • Loki Server


Data Source (Agent component):

  • Promtail
  • Prometheus Node Exporter
  • Collectd
  • PCM


The deployment is adaptable to an existing infrastructure. Therefore different settings are configurable via default variables. These variables are stored under /group_vars/all/main.yaml.

The following settings are possible:


Changing them will automatically change it to all depending components. If a firewall is active, ports will be automatically add (permit traffic).


Some components needs different arguments which are typically implemented in sysconfig files. These arguments can also easily changed within group_vars.

Inventory file

All hosts should be add to the inventory.yaml file.

Server Host Groups

There should be only one host entry for each server group (e.g. grafana_server, prometheus_server, ...) in the section "Server Hosts" This can be either for each component a different host or up to one host for all groups.

Agent Host Groups

Systems to be monitored (agent_xyz) will be automatically add to the server configurations (e.g. /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml) They can be grouped into different host groups. Important is that the group name has to start with:


IMPORTANT: Having the same host in different Agent Host Groups is not allowed.

Fine tuning

Deployment in general

Variables starting with deploy_ are used to choose if a server or component is enabled or not (true/false). They are set to true as a general default in the section all.
Setting it to false no host will be deployed with that component at all.

If you for example don't want to deploy any log aggregation (loki) you can set them to false:

    # General deployment for the different host groups
    deploy_loki_server: false

    # General component deployment for all hosts
    deploy_promtail: false

The variables deploy_ can also be used to disable/enable components for single hosts within the Agent Host Group
Here is a example:

    deploy_node_exporter: true
    deploy_collectd: false

      deploy_node_exporter: false   

In the example above collectd will not be deployed at all.
The node_exporter will be installed on all hosts but not on

If in the Server Component is no host given or the deploy_ variable is set to false the service will be stopped and the firewall port dissabled (in case it was running before). This is also true for all depending exporter (for Prometheus) or promtail services (for Loki) on the agent hosts.

Grafana Dashboard

Prometheus Server

  • Default configuration can be changed in the section Prometheus under /group_vars/all/main.yaml.
  • Any additional exporter configuration can be add to the end of the prometheus.yaml template file.
  • Additional rule files should be add to the folder /roles/prometheus_server/templates/rules/*.yaml
  • If the variable deploy_prometheus_alertmanager (inventory.yaml) is set to false or there is no host entry under the host group prometheus_alertmanager the whole alerting section in the prometheus.yml file will be removed.

Prometheus Alertmanager

  • Default configuration can be changed in the section Prometheus Alertmanager under /group_vars/all/main.yaml
  • The file alertmanager.yml contains a very basic example mailserver configuration and needs to be adapted to your needs.

Loki Server

Install and run Ansible

It is recommended to use ansible version < 2.12 and python version 3.8 or newer. In case the default python version is lower then 3.8 on the system it is possible to use a higer version in a seperate environment:

# mkdir work
# zypper in python311
# python3.11 -m venv work
# source work/bin/activate

  (work) localhost:~ #

Install ansible and dependencies.

# pip3 install ansible
# ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml

And finally run the playbook:

# ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --user root playbook-monitoring.yaml

Please change inventory.yaml and /group_vars/all/main.yaml before run ansible.


The ansible playbook is tested with:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 (see Known Issues)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4 (see Known Issues)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5

Other SLES versions and Service Pack's might work as well. The monitoring packages might be however on different non default repositories. (which has to be added before running ansible)

Known Issues


SLE15 SP4 has a dependency problem by installing the prometheus server and the prometheus alertmanager. Ansible will stop with the error:

--> Problem: nothing provides 'group(prometheus)' needed .....

TASK [prometheus_server : Prometheus Server - Install package] ***********************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["/usr/bin/zypper", "--quiet", "--non-interactive", "--xmlout", "install", "--type", "package", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--no-recommends", "--", "+golang-github-prometheus-prometheus"], "msg": "Zypper run command failed with return code 4.......

This is fixed in SP5 but not in SP4. (


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