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repo as I follow along with the Wes Bos tutorial

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KeystoneJS CMS, NextJS

A extended example of an integrated KeystoneJS CMS in a NextJS App Directory, example. Self hostable with Docker




Site analytics are set up to use an externally hosted Umami app. There are plans to add in admin dashboard analytics that insite user count, sales, and engagement data.


Events and Bookings can auto populate a connected Google Calendar.


These can be edited from the Keystone UI, but here is the initial permission layout

  • Admin
    • everything
    • CRUD any Product
    • CRUD any Role
    • CRUD any Order / OrderItem
  • Editor
    • 'author' of products
    • CRUD any product
  • Client
    • buy products
    • view their own orders
  • Anyone
    • view store items


  • create site unique assets for your brand
    • public/assets/logo.svg
    • public/assets/logo.png
    • public/assets/placeholder.png
    • public/favicon.ico
  • copy these files & folders (or use to automate)
    • cp src/layout.init.tsx src/layout.tsx
    • cp src/components/menus/Footer.init.tsx src/components/menus/Footer.tsx
    • cp src/components/menus/Hero.init.tsx src/components/menus/Hero.tsx
    • cp src/components/menus/Nav.init.tsx src/components/menus/Nav.tsx
    • cp src/components/menus/MainNavList.init.tsxsrc/components/menus/MainNavList.tsx
    • cp src/styles/vars.init.scss src/styles/vars.scss
    • cp src/styles/fonts.init.ts src/styles/fonts.ts
    • cp src/keystone/seed/seed_data.empty.ts src/keystone/seed/seed_data.ts.


uses Next-Auth to authenticate session. Check KeystoneJS example for a more basic integration

set your NEXTAUTH_SECRET env with openssl rand -base64 32

Provider setup url


Right now, I'm just using gmail's SMTP. Should be good for low traffic order confirmation & password reset. Once I integrate running mail campaigns I'll need a better solution.


config - Keystone backend: **MAKE SURE DEV ENVIRONMENT IS GOOD 2 GO BEFORE PRODUCTION**. The Prisma types are auto generated and can become unsynced, do not make little tweaks in between dev and prod environments - **self hosting** isn't strait forward. Here is my work around - create a seperate `docker container` that runs `postgres` - run your dev environment to create the tables and edit the schemas - now you can `build` and `run` your app within a `docker container`



[!warning] changes made to the keystone config / schema / etc must stop and restart both services in this order or you'll recieve [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink... for things like

[!warning] any file imported inside the /src/keystone directory must be an absolute value. Typescript likes to import via @... and that will not work for backend imports. example: import { envs } from '../../../envs' and not import { envs } from '@/envs';

Rules & Permissions

any changes to access filters operations or permissions will not take effect in the NextJs app until the server is reloaded. Luckily the Keystone app will hot reload with these changes

  1. next n:dev

Mail Templating

React Email


using stripe CLI have it listen to this webhook

stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/api/checkout/webhook

During development, if you'd like to deploy your Pages, Products, Roles during production, save them to seed_data.ts

[!info] Document any field using the document type will query with an extra nested document key. You can remove this

example query from apollo playground

  content: { 
    document: [
        type: "paragraph",
        children: [
            text: "Learn about the amazing health benefits of various types of berries, including blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries."

take out the document field

  content: [
        type: "paragraph",
        children: [
            text: "Learn about the amazing health benefits of various types of berries, including blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries."

ignore list when searching code base .next, *.test.tsx, config.js, *.graphql, *.prisma, .keystone

Database Migrations

When returning to development you may add new fields to the database schema. This will trigger a migration. Properly name and save the migration. This file will be written inside the ./migrations folder

When returning to the production environment, you will have to apply these new changes so Postgres is aware of these changes.

[!warning] For Now To apply migrations I connect to my prod database within my dev environment and run yarn ks:dev. This is not ideal. Later I will add keystone start --with-migrations to the Dockerfile.backend so that this is all automated


  • the next depenancy is shared between keystone's auto generated backend UI and Client side frontend UI. I attempted to upgrade to next 14 but that caused a "multi graphql dependancy" issue. I might consider decoupling these depencancies


  • built in calendar for admin dash
  • create a special admin input search for Users & Events that hot swaps with main search at top
  • transition as much Styled Components to CSS Modules
  • screen shots / recordings
    • 16 / 10 (1200 x 750) - laptop
    • ? / ? - phone
    • Events
    • Bookings
    • Products (checkout)
  • use grid-template-areas to make a better PricingTable component
  • which components are site specific, add them to .ignore
    • Hero.tsx
    • Nav.tsx
    • layout.tsx
  • add option for multi email brokers (other than gmail)
  • global toast notifcations with Context Provider
  • Error404 on all page route types
    • posts
    • pages
    • bookings
    • bookings
  • Announcements
    • create dynamic announcements that are private, members only, etc.

Color pallet?


following along with Wes Bos Tutorial


repo as I follow along with the Wes Bos tutorial






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