This is a starting point and tutorial app for those wanting to learn how to build an app with WP-API. You can follow commits and pushes here, or follow the blog articles on my blog
Still to be determined, go to my first blog post to give input on what you want to build, or let me know if you like one of my ideas.
Plugin - Collaborative Plugin Build
The theme is built on theme, to get it running follow their instructions to install all necessary components
- APIdata - Object containing
for use with WP-API - wpApp - Globally defined Angular App
var wpApp = angular.module('wpApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource']);
In the works is a Social Style Guide sharing site (better name to come).
The site is going to be based on the SG-60 Style Guide Creator plugin, but with a full user system around it.
For full specs check out Part II on my tutorial process of building a WordPress APP. - Part II