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stop sorting the input mapping file
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ekg committed Jun 1, 2024


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
1 parent 70e896a commit c738c1d
Showing 2 changed files with 4 additions and 71 deletions.
71 changes: 1 addition & 70 deletions src/interface/main.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -91,76 +91,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (yeet_parameters.approx_mapping) {
return 0;
} else {
robin_hood::unordered_flat_map< std::string, std::pair<skch::seqno_t, uint64_t> > seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen;
skch::seqno_t seqCounter = 0;
for(const auto &fileName : map_parameters.querySequences) {
// check if there is a .fai
std::string fai_name = fileName + ".fai";
if (fs::exists(fai_name)) {
// if so, process the .fai to determine our sequence length
std::string line;
std::ifstream in(fai_name.c_str());
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
auto line_split = skch::CommonFunc::split(line, '\t');
const std::string seq_name = line_split[0];
const uint64_t seq_len = std::stoull(line_split[1]);
seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[seq_name] = std::make_pair(seqCounter++, seq_len);
} else {
// if not, warn that this is expensive
std::cerr << "[wfmash::align] WARNING, no .fai index found for " << fileName << ", reading the file to sort the mappings (slow)" << std::endl;
for(const auto &fileName : map_parameters.querySequences)
fileName, {}, "",
[&](const std::string& seq_name,
const std::string& seq) {
seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[seq_name] = std::make_pair(seqCounter++, seq.length());

igzstream mappingListStream(map_parameters.outFileName.c_str());
std::string mappingRecordLine;
align::MappingBoundaryRow currentRecord;
std::vector<align::MappingBoundaryRow> allReadMappings;

while (!mappingListStream.eof()){
std::getline(mappingListStream, mappingRecordLine);
if( !mappingRecordLine.empty() ) {
align::Aligner::parseMashmapRow(mappingRecordLine, currentRecord);


std::sort(allReadMappings.begin(), allReadMappings.end(), [&seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen](const align::MappingBoundaryRow &a, const align::MappingBoundaryRow &b)
return (seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[a.qId].first < seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[b.qId].first);

std::ofstream outstrm(align_parameters.mashmapPafFile);
for(auto &e : allReadMappings)
outstrm << e.qId
<< "\t" << seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[e.qId].second
<< "\t" << e.qStartPos
<< "\t" << e.qEndPos
<< "\t" << (e.strand == skch::strnd::FWD ? "+" : "-")
<< "\t" << e.refId
<< "\t" << seqName_to_seqCounterAndLen[e.refId].second
<< "\t" << e.rStartPos
<< "\t" << e.rEndPos
<< "\t" << 0
<< "\t" << std::max(e.rEndPos - e.rStartPos, e.qEndPos - e.qStartPos)
<< "\t" << 255
<< "\t" << "id:f:" << e.mashmap_estimated_identity
<< "\n";

if (align_parameters.sam_format) {
// Prepare SAM header
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/interface/parse_args.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -638,10 +638,12 @@ void parse_args(int argc,

if (align_input_paf) {
// directly use the input mapping file
yeet_parameters.remapping = true;
map_parameters.outFileName = args::get(align_input_paf);
align_parameters.mashmapPafFile = temp_file::create();
align_parameters.mashmapPafFile = args::get(align_input_paf);
} else {
// make a temporary mapping file
map_parameters.outFileName = temp_file::create();
align_parameters.mashmapPafFile = map_parameters.outFileName;

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