A python dectorater to enforce type checks on your python functions for your stupid colleagues who pass int type when you clearly told them to pass string. ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
You can define parameter and return types for your python functions using type hints (check them out here : https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cheat_sheet_py3.html) and the watcher decorator over them to handle the dirty work.
Currently we only support positional arguments only and single return types but will add support for keyword arguments and mutiple return types.
Raise and issue in the gitrepo if you find any bugs or need a feature.
The package can be found on
Positional Parameters
Single return types
User defined data types
from beholder import watcher
def f(): # Will work as normal
return "pass"
def f1(a:str,b): #Will be typed checked and will raise TypeError if types do not match
return "pass"
def f2(a:str,b:int):
return "pass":
def f3()>str: #Will raise a type error due to return type not matching function definition
return 1
def f4(a:str)->str:
return "pass"
if __name__ == "__main__":