Hi! My name is Will Pisani. My go-to programming languages are Python and Julia, but I am also skilled in BASH and R. I have some experience with SQL and MATLAB. I am familiar with HTML and CSS; I coded most of my website from scratch with a template from W3.CSS as a base.
Please check out my repositories!
ElasticMD is a Python package for computing elastic moduli from stress-strain data generated from a LAMMPS simulation. The main feature of this software is the two GUIs for computing Young's modulus and Poisson's ratios, and shear modulus.
These are my public Python projects. They include a Soundrop royalty report generator (pandas, matplotlib, HTML/CSS), command line minesweeper, a GUI Wordle assistant/solver (PySimpleGUI), and a web scraper for downloading Astronomy Picture of the Day (requests, bs4).
A collection of tools meant to make various tasks easier when performing computational materials science research with the open-source molecular dynamics (MD) code LAMMPS. Note: This repo is missing a lot of my recent scripts. I'm in the process of adding them to the repo.
This repository contains a portion of the many, many scripts I have written and data files I have generated over the length of my PhD at Michigan Tech.
Since 2020, I've enjoyed trying to solve the Christmas puzzles of Advent of Code with my friends.