English | 简体中文
- Building an API project
- Building an RPC project
- Connect the database to generate the corresponding 'Model'
- Run the CMD command hot
- RPM packaging (Default binary packaging)
RPM uses binary packaging
qb rpm -rs ./ -o ../pkg #Binary packaging
qb rpm -rs ./ -o ../pkg -starting -start /usr/bin/qb #Binary pack and set boot on
- -name: Package name
- -version: Version (Format: 1.0.0)
- -summary: Summary
- -vendor: Supplier
- -license: Signature
- -url: Access address
- -description: Description
- -changelog: Modify log
- -spec: Spec path (Source package must be used)
- -roots: The root directory to pack
- -way: Packaging mode (bin: binary packaging src: source packaging)
- -number: Number of releases
- -src: Whether to package source code
- -out: Save path after packaging
- -starting: Whether to set startup
- -start: Start up the running program
- -reload: The service restarts the running program
Creating an HTTP Service
qb api -n demo -f src -p 8088
- -n: Designation of Project
- -f: Save the path
- -p: Port
Creating an RPC Service
qb rpc -n demo -f src -p 8088
- -n: Designation of Project
- -f: Save the path
- -p: Port
Creating an Model
qb model --tb table -f "account:password@tcp(host:port)/dbname" --fw gorm -s savepath --sw
- --tb: Specify the database name
- -f: Connecting to a Database
- --fw: Select generate frame as
- -s: Save the path
Run the CMD command hot
qb hot --cm "go build ./tmp/demo" --cm "./tmp/demo" -p "demo" -d 4000
- -c: Config path
- --cm: The CMD command can be multiple
- -p: The root directory
- -d: Time interval for each execution, in ms
- -t: When the number of triggering times reaches n, the command is forcibly executed again
- --icdr: Included directories regular expressions
- --ecdr: Encluded directories regular expressions
- --ifr: Includes file regular expressions. For example, ".go$" The suffix. Go file changed
- --efr: Exclude file regular expressions
FROM wjojz/qb-hot:latest AS qb-hot
FROM golang:1.18
COPY --from=qb-hot /usr/bin/qb /usr/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/qb", "hot"]
docker build -t wjojz/qb-hot-go:latest .
docker run -it --rm -w "/go/src/github.com/demo" -v $(pwd):/go/src/github.com/demo -p 9090:9090 wjojz/qb-hot-go:latest --cm "go run main.go"
FROM wjojz/qb-hot:latest AS qb-hot
FROM puppet/discocoreui
COPY --from=qb-hot /usr/bin/qb /usr/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/qb", "hot"]
docker build -t wjojz/qb-hot-html:latest .
docker run -it --rm -w "html/project" -v $(pwd):/html/project -p 9090:9090 wjojz/qb-hot-html:latest --cm "npm run build"
FROM wjojz/qb-hot:latest AS qb-hot
FROM php:7.4-cli
COPY --from=qb-hot /usr/bin/qb /usr/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/qb", "hot"]
docker build -t wjojz/qb-hot-php:latest .
docker run -it --rm -w "php/project" -v $(pwd):/php/project -p 9090:9090 wjojz/qb-hot-php:latest --cm "php hello.php"
FROM wjojz/qb-hot:latest AS qb-hot
FROM openjdk:11
COPY --from=qb-hot /usr/bin/qb /usr/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/qb", "hot"]
docker build -t wjojz/qb-hot-java:latest .
docker run -it --rm -w "java/project" -v $(pwd):/java/project -p 9090:9090 wjojz/qb-hot-java:latest --cm "java hello.java"