- Eduportal was an online schools directory based in Kenya
- The project was initialy launched in 2015
- As of Jan 2017, the project is no longer active. Web Archive can be found here
- The initial implementation was completed in Joomla! This repository serves as a recreation of the project done in Rails as was originaly intented
This application uses:
- Ruby 2.3.3
- Rails 5.0.2
Learn more about Installing Rails.
We recommend installing ruby using rbenv.
- For suggestions, errors or general info you can raise an issue here.
- master branch -> production ready code
- develop branch -> new feature development
Initial Setup
- Fork the repository on github
- Clone your fork:
git clone [email protected]:<username>/eduportal.git
- Set clone to track upstream:
git remote add upstream [email protected]:wanyamaman/eduportal.git
- Install gems:
bundle install
- Make sure tests are passing:
bundle exec rspec
- Seed the database:
rails db:seed
Daily workflow
- Fetch updates:
git pull upstream develop
- Make sure to start from develop branch:
git checkout develop
- Create new feature branch:
git checkout -b <myFeature>
- After completing feature, add changed files:
git add -p <filename>
, check file differences - Make sure tests are passing:
bundle exec rspec
- Commit changes:
git commit -m "Commit message."
- Pull in latest changes to develop: same as step 1
- Update feature branch with upstream changes:
git rebase develop
- Fix merge conflicts
- Push changes to your fork:
git push origin <myFeature>
- Create a pull request from your fork on github
- Commit messages should be complete sentences written in the imperative mood.
- Branch names should indicate feature with words-separated-by-hyphens.
Eduportal is developed and maintained on behalf of Renstine Multimedia Group.