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wcc is a C compiler targeted at the WRAMP architecture. It is based on lcc, a retargetable compiler. Copyright information for lcc can be found in CPYRIGHT. Also included in this repo is rex.h, a header file containning definitions for WRAMP IO structures.


Using wcc requires binaries for wcpp, rcc, and wasm to be either in the PATH or in the same directory as the built binaries. wcpp and rcc are built by this project, and wasm can be found in wasm.

Help for wcc can be found by running wcc -h, but a few particularly useful arguments are listed below.

-c          compile only
-o file     leave the output in `file'
-S          compile to assembly language

-c can be used to manually link the output with files written in assembly.
-S allows you to view the generated code.


The makefile contains several build targets, many of which are required for wcc to run properly. Run make all to build everything. By default binaries will be placed in a bin folder within the same directory as the makefile, otherwise make install will place the binaries in the folder specified in the makefile, defaulting to ~/wramp-install/.