This project is based on the paper Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects on the Special Issue on Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging Tools at Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI 2018). It implements a fast-forward method for first-person videos based on multi-importance approach.
For more information and visual results, please acess the project page.
- Michel Melo da Silva - PhD student - UFMG - [email protected]
- Washington Luis de Souza Ramos - PhD student - UFMG - [email protected]
- Felipe Cadar Chamone - Undergraduate Student - UFMG - [email protected]
- João Pedro Klock Ferreira - Undergraduate Student - UFMG - [email protected]
- Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos - Advisor - UFMG - [email protected]
- Erickson Rangel do Nascimento - Advisor - UFMG - [email protected]
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Computer Science Department
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais -Brazil
VeRLab: Vison and Robotic Laboratory
- MATALB 2015a
- The following flowchart depicts the processing steps of our method:
Optical Flow Estimator:
The first step processing is to estimate the Optical Flow of the Input VIdeo.
- First you should download the Poleg et al. 2014 Flow Estimator code from the link.
- Navigate to the download folder and unzip the code.
- Into the Vid2OpticalFlowCSV\Example folder, run the command:
Vid2OpticalFlowCSV.exe -v < video_filename > -c < config.xml > -o < output_filename.csv >
Options | Description | Type | Example |
< Video_filename > |
Path and filename of the video. | String | ~/Data/MyVideos/myVideo.mp4 |
< config.xml > |
Path to the configuration XML file. | String | ../default-config.xml |
< output_filename.csv > |
Path to save the output CSV file. | String | myVideo.csv |
Save the output file using the same name of the using with extension .csv
Semantic Extractor:
The second step is to extract the semantic information over all frames of the Input video and save it in a CSV file. On MATLAB console, go to the project folder and run the command:
>> ExtractAndSave(< Video_filename >, < Semantic_extractor_name >)
Options | Description | Type | Example |
< Video_filename > |
Path and filename of the video. | String | ~/Data/MyVideos/Video.mp4 |
< Semantic_extractor_name > |
Semantic extractor algorithm. | String | 'face' or 'pedestrian' or 'coolnet' |
Create Experiment
To run the code, you should create an experiment entry. On a text editor, add a case to the
function in the fileSemanticSequenceLibrary.m
function [videoFile, startInd, endInd, filename, fps] = GetVideoDetails(video_dir,exp_name)
case < Experiment_name >
filename = < video_filename >;
startInd = < start_index_frame > ;
endInd = < final_index_frame >;
fps = < video_frames_per_second >;
Field | Description | Type | Example |
< Experiment_name > |
Name to identify the experiment. | String | MyVideo |
< video_filename > |
Filename to the video. | String | myVideo.mp4 |
< start_index_frame > |
Frame index to start the processing. | Integer | 1 |
< final_index_frame > |
Frame intex to stop the processing. | Integer | 16987 |
< video_frames_per_second > |
Frames per second of the video. | Integer | 30 |
Semantic Fast-Forward
After the previous steps, you are ready to accelerate the Input Video. On MATLAB console, go to the project folder and run the command:
>> SpeedupVideo(< Video_dir >, < Experiment_name >, < Semantic_extractor_name >, ['Speedup', < rate >] )
Options | Description | Type | Example |
< Video_dir > |
Path to the folder where the video file is. | String | ~/Data/MyVideos |
< Experiment_name > |
Name set in the SemanticSequenceLibrary.m file. | String | My_Video |
< Semantic_extractor_name > |
Semantic extractor algorithm used in the Semantic Extractor step. | String | 'face' or 'pedestrian' or 'coolnet' |
< rate > |
Fast-forward rate [default value is 10]. | Integer | 8 |
Configure Video Parameters
After the Semantic Fast-Forward step, the accelerated video is create. Now we are going to stabilize the output video. The first stabilization step is to configure the video parameters in the file
. Follow the instructions described into the file. -
Accelerate Video Stabilizer
Navigate to the
folder. Follow the instructions described into the<project_folder>/acceleratedVideoStabilizer/
file to compile and run the code.The output of this step is the stabilized semantic fast-forward video.
- EgoSampling: Y. Poleg, T. Halperin, C. Arora, S. Peleg, Egosampling: Fast-forward and stereo for egocentric videos, in: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015, pp. 4768–4776. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2015.7299109.
- LK_Blocked_Optical_Flow: Y. Poleg, C. Arora, S. Peleg, Temporal segmentation of egocentric videos, in: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014, pp. 2537–2544. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2014.325.
- NPD_Face_Detector: S. Liao, A. K. Jain, S. Z. Li, A fast and accurate unconstrained face detector, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 38 (2) (2016) 211–223. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2448075.
- PMT_Pedestrian_Detector: P. Dollar, Piotr’s Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox (PMT),
If you are using it to academic purpose, please cite:
M. M. Silva, W. L. S. Ramos, F.C. Chamone, J. P. K. Ferreira, M. F. M. Campos, E. R. Nascimento, Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects, in: Special Issue on Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging Tools at Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. doi:10.1016/j.jvcir.2018.02.013.
@article{Silva2018, title = {Making a long story short: A Multi-Importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects},
author = {Michel M. Silva and Washington L. S. Ramos and Felipe C. Chamone and João P. K. Ferreira and Mario F. M. Campos and Erickson R. Nascimento},
journal = {Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation},
volume = {53},
number = {},
pages = {55 – 64},
year = {2018},
issn = {1047-3203},
doi = {10.1016/j.jvcir.2018.02.013}