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"Sign up" project

The problem

Recently I wanted to sign up my kid for a school event with limited number of participants. The sign up process was a kind of "first come, first served". Unfortunately by the time I heard about the event, all the places were booked.

The solution

My idea is to create a web site where people can register for an event. It should be transparent how many spots are available and what's the due date for registration. After the due date, the application automatically and randomly chooses who got successfully signed up.


  1. Event is created with due date of 1st December 2021, 10 spots available.
  2. Link to this event is distributed externally (e.g. by email).
  3. People get registered for the event and wait for the due date. Let's say there are 22 people who registered and wait.
  4. At the due date, the application randomly chooses among the registrants, 10 lucky ones who got signed up.
  5. The result of sign up proess is avaiable on the event site.

Sample deployment

This dapp is available on Heroku hosting

Project screencast


Directory Structure

client - UI code of nodejs application, written with, HTML5, and
contracts - Solidity contracts
migrations - Solidity contracts migrations
test - Solidity contracts js tests


Metamask plugin

Install metamask plugin for your browser. It's a crypto wallet that you'll need to interact with this site. More on

Development tools

The easiets way is to run it on some linux distribution or in case of Windows use WSL like Ubuntu on WSL

Install Node, npm, heroku-cli (optional) and truffle

This app has been tested with:

Clone and setup the project

Clone the project with

git clone [email protected]:walaniam/blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project.git

In project root dir initialize truffle node app (solidity contracts)

npm install

Initialize client dapp

cd client
npm install

Run local blockchain network

Initial run

You need to initialize the network and set one of auto-created account addresses into .env file.

npm start

Once local network is started you'll see some sample accounts with their private keys that can be used locally. Import some of the private keys into your metamask browser plugin - you can then use these accounts for local development.

Create .env file in project root dir. Fill in one of the development account address into this file. This account will be the owner of deployed contract.

# Account address of contract owner in develop network
DEVELOP_FROM=<set one of the account addresses here>

Stop the network by ctrl+c (or any other that exits the shell). You are now ready for the development.

Run network

Start the network

npm start

In the network shell run

migrate --network develop

How to test the contracts

To test contracts run following command in project root dir. It uses default test network as desribed here

npm test

How to run local web client

In project root dir run below commands

cd client
npm start

Then open in the browser http://localhost:5000/

Migrate contract to ropsten network

For ropsten development create .env_ropsten file in project dir with following variables

# Metamask mnemonic
# Infura project URL
# Account address of contract owner in ropsten network

Run npm start and then migrate --network ropsten

Deploy dapp to Heroku

This applications uses build pack. UI is built basing on sample application.

Create and configure the app

APP_NAME=<your app name here>

heroku login

heroku create -a $APP_NAME --region eu

git remote rm heroku
git remote add heroku${APP_NAME}.git

# Add build pack for subdir nodejs app located in client directory
heroku buildpacks:clear
heroku buildpacks:set
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
heroku config:set PROJECT_PATH=client

Deploy app

# From development branch named html
git push heroku html:main

# From main branch
git push heroku main

Check logs

heroku logs --tail


My public Ethereum account