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How To Use Preview Widget

Ilja Hämäläinen edited this page Jun 28, 2015 · 2 revisions


In the version 0.5.0 the GWT Cropper got a new class called, that allows to show in real time only a selected area in separate panel (i.e. "preview"). Since version 0.5.2 the Constrained Cropper Preview is also available. It is pretty easy to use it. Here are two steps to set it up.


Take a look at this widget in action

1. Create Preview widget instance

GWTCropperPreview preview = new GWTCropperPreview(Dimension.WIDTH, 100);

During initializing you must specify two arguments: a side of the widget that you wish to leave unchanged and its lenght in pixels. In case if you specified the free-shaped selection, the preview will have one side with constant length (width 100px in the example above) and adjust another one to the current shape of a selection.

Let's take an example to make it more understandable. Let's say you have a cropper with free-shaped selection and next to it you placed a preview widget. It is wise to make a constant width for this widget to save the layout of your page. When an user changes the selection, the preview widget will automatically adjust its height to save the correct proportion

Pic.1 If you specify the WIDTH to preview widget, then it will adjust its height according the selection proportion

On the contrary, if you placed a preview in a vertical panel it is wise to make a constant height to save the page layout. The widget will work in the same way, but adjusting its width:

Pic.2 If you specify the HEIGHT to preview widget, then it will adjust its width according the selection proportion

Note, if you specified aspect ratio 1, that means, that the widget has a sqare selection, then you can use any value for the first argument, because width is always equals height in a square. In this case these two lines will have the same effect:

        // in case of square selection these lines will have the same effect
        GWTCropperPreview previewW = new GWTCropperPreview(Dimension.WIDTH, 100);
        GWTCropperPreview previewH = new GWTCropperPreview(Dimension.HEIGHT, 100);

2. Register the preview widget in the cropper instance

Next step, just register this instance using the method registerPreviewWidget(GWTCropperPreview previewWidget). The full example may look like this:

        GWTCropper cropper = new GWTCropper("image.jpg");
        GWTCropperPreview cropperPreview = new GWTCropperPreview(Dimension.WIDTH, 100);

or the same example with a panel (more realistic):

        HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();

        GWTCropper cropper = new GWTCropper("image.jpg");

        GWTCropperPreview cropperPreview = new GWTCropperPreview(Dimension.WIDTH, 100);

Preview widget in UiBuilder

It is possible to declare these widgets in your .ui.xml file. Here is a real-life example:

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''

  <g:HorizontalPanel spacing="20">

     <my:GWTCropper imageURL="image.jpg" ui:field="cropper"/>

       <my:GWTCropperPreview dimension="WIDTH" value="100" ui:field="cropperPreview" />


Note, that both dimension and value parameters are mandatory. Then, in your Java view module, you should register preview widget in the cropper instnce:

    GWTCropper cropper;

    GWTCropperPreview cropperPreview;

    //somewhere, for example, in a constructor...

Constrained Cropper Preview

Since v.0.5.2 you can use also Constrained Cropper Preview widget. It allows you to preview the selected area in a panel whose size won't exceed the given dimensions.

Usage example:

final IGWTCropperPreview previewWidget
         = new GWTConstrainedCropperPreview(100, 100);

constructs a preview, that will scale both horizontally and vertically, but never exceed 100px in either dimension.

  • For a square selection, both width and height are 100px.
  • For a landscape selection, the width is 100px and height is less than 100px.
  • For a portrait selection, the height is 100px and width is less than 100px.