Fully Connected Neural Network implementation on C.
Please see main.c
to set the settings of network.
Build (all):
Build (only network):
make main
Build (only tests):
make unittest
To build this code on VS just create new project and put them to it.
For VS 2015 it's needed to rename *.c to *.cpp
AnnStatus ann_create(size_t max_layers, Ann ** pp_ann);
Brief: Create artificial neural network.
max_layers - Maximum number of layers.
pp_ann - Pointer to a variable to fill with new ANN pointer.
*pp_ann - Should contain a pointer to a newly created ANN.
AnnStatus ann_add(Ann * p_ann, size_t num_input, size_t num_output, const float * p_weight, const float * p_bias);
Brief: Add layer and copy layer data into internal structures.
p_ann - ANN pointer.
num_input - Number of elements in input vector
num_output - Number of elements in output vector
p_weight - Weight matrix of size 'num_output' x 'num_input'.
So it has 'num_output' rows and 'num_input' columns.
Data is stored continuosly:
W11, W12, ... W1n,
W21, W22, ... W2n,
Wm1, Wm2, ... Wmn
where m = num_output and n = num_input
p_bias - Bias vector. It has 'num_output' elements.
AnnStatus ann_forward(Ann * p_ann, size_t num_input, size_t num_output, const float * p_input, float * p_output);
Brief: Perform 'forward' operation.
p_ann - ANN pointer.
num_input - Number of elements in input vector
num_output - Number of elements in output vector
p_input - Input vector
p_output - Output vector
*p_output - should be filled with result of forward operation
void ann_release(Ann ** pp_ann);
/* Brief: Destroy ANN and free all buffers.
pp_ann - A pointer to ANN pointer.
*pp_ann should be freed if non-null.
*pp_ann should be set to null.