Autogenerated raylib-raku bindings, powered by raku grammar and actions.
To make Raku play together with Raylib, many of Raylib's functions has to be wrapped into a function,
to support pass as pointer meaning we are "pointerizing"
the functions. This is done automatically when generating the bindings.
The bindings are also converted to kebab-case
to fit Raku code style.
is fedraylib.h
which gets parsed and translated via grammar and actions to Raku and C code.Bindings.rakumod
will be generated and placed into lib/Raylib- The pointerization and allocation C code gets compiled to be used by Raylib::Bindings.
Raylib::Bindings comes with support for malloc-ing Raylib structs,
Example the code below will allocate Color as a pointer.
my $white = Color.init(245, 245, 245, 255);
Almost all struct/class in Raylib::Bindings are equipped with an init
which mallocs.
Manually calling free
isn't necessary, since every struct/class are also equipped with a free
on destroy mechanism and gets handled by the GC.
Here is the DESTROY
method of Color
submethod DESTROY {
install raylib from:
zef install Raylib::Bindings
git clone [email protected]:vushu/raylib-raku.git
cd raylib-raku
zef install .
raku examples/window.raku
raku examples/flying-butterfly.raku
raku examples/rotating-butterfly.raku
raku examples/3d-camera.raku
To parse mutable string use CArray[uint8] important to encode it as utf-8
# .encode takes care of UTF-8 encoding. If $array is used
# as a string by the native function, don't forget to append the
# NULL byte that terminates a C string: ---------v
my $array = CArray[uint8].new("Foo".encode.list, 0);
- code comments needs to be included.
- support for windows.
example for set-audio-stream-callback
the following happens:
MoarVM panic: native callback ran on thread (some-thread-id) unknown to MoarVM
Solution yet to be found.
help is appreciated!