This is a monitor accessing the unofficial senec api.
It retrieves the data for your photovoltaic system
and saves it to a postgres database.
Previous tracking of this project happend over at prev repo
- Websocket connection can be used by embedded devices to get real time data Check out my implementation with ESP32
- Creates a record of yield data that can be used for analysis and prediction ( also saves weather data )
- Combines current photovoltaic system data with weather data to allow for accurate prediction / forecast
- Could also be developed into a more sophisticated web interface in combination with weather data, graphs etc
- Retrieves yield data for every full day ( unofficial senec api )
- Gets current data every 10s ( your local api )
- Obtains weather data for you location on a hourly basis
- Retrieves Daily weather forecast every 24 hours and saves it to be combined with total yield values for later prediction purposes
- Provides an Api ( for specific data ) and a websocket connection for frequent updates ( weather, current power levels, total yield )
All the data from the Senec-Api
Data for a specific Timestamp
Latest data from the local-Api updated every 10 Seconds
Websocket Connection that gets every update of the local-Api & weather in real time
Copy compose.yaml
to your directory and run:
docker compose pull
Also copy the /docker-db/initFiles/init.sql
to the directory containing the compose file.
Please preserve the directory structure so that the init.sql file lies inside the /docker-db/initFiles/
directory to make sure the db
is intialized properly.
This is important as it initializes the database with the required tables
Createa a ```.docker.env``` with the following values
# your my-senec login password
# your my-senec login username
# db host default should be ""
# db port default should be 6000
# db password default is yourpass
# db user default is myuser
# just search the coordinates of your location and put them here
# the ip of your local senec dashboard
Then run
docker compose up
Please note that currently this docker compose file utilizes watchtower to check for container updates.
If you do not plan on continuously working on this project yourself you can just remove everything associated with watchtower from the compose file.
Now you should be able to visit the service on:
Create database and table with docker (to have a separate database)
Clone the repo
Add a .env file to your directory:
# this is optional
For the prediction server I have developed an inference server for my own AI Model (decent but definitely improvable) that predicts the yield for the next 24 hours. Check it out here
Generate proto files}
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative ./proto/types.proto
Run via:
go run .
Or build to exe:
go build .
Visit on:
Building for docker arm64 requires this command if you want to run it as a container
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -f Dockerfile -t your_username/test-repo:senec-monitor-latest --push .
- add ci/cd pipeline for automatic container builds