A web app that lets you transfer the style of one image to another (neural style transfer).
Hosted at: https://www.picstylist.com/
- Digital Ocean
- Cloudflare
- Sentry
- Portainer (optional)
- Cloudflare authenticated origin pulls: https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/origin-configuration/authenticated-origin-pull/set-up/zone-level/
- Cloudflare prepend www to root domain: https://developers.cloudflare.com/rules/url-forwarding/single-redirects/examples/#redirect-all-requests-to-a-different-hostname
- Portainer installation: https://docs.portainer.io/start/install-ce/server/docker/linux
- link .env to .env.dev
- link compose.override.yaml to compose.override-dev.yaml
- run
- configure a new vm with host/cloud-config.yaml
- push main branch of this repo to victor@<vm_addr>:/opt/picstylist.git
- push main branch of picstylist-config to victor@<vm_addr>:/opt/picstylist-config.git