Building module to get irlon data from lake Okeechobbe. Retunrs a pandas dataframe.
LO-L1B (Bottom)
LO-L1S (Surface)
Currently module has 3 functions
get_irlon(params='all', level='both', start='2021-07-12', end='now')
Obtain data from server
- params (string or list of strings): 'all', or a selection of the parameters available. Default is 'all'.
- level (string): S (surface), B (bottom), or 'both'. Default is 'both'.
- start (string): start date with format yyyy-mm-dd. Default start of operations '2021-07-12'.
- end (string): end day with format yyyy-mm-dd or 'now'. Default is 'now'.
output: pandas dataframe with requested parms plus quality control variables for those params
Remove QC columns and replace variables with nan when QC is not good
input : irlon dataframe with qc variables
output: QC masked dataframe
Prints posibilities of params to chose from if not 'all'
For examples of usage see notebook: iron_tester.ipynb