CI #672
1 error
Build and Push Docker images for all Container Registries
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y make cmake valgrind git g++ libexpat-dev libfftw3-dev libboost-all-dev txt2tags ccache gnuplot python3-numpy doxygen vim clang llvm python3-pip python3-lxml wget libhdf5-dev graphviz pkg-config psmisc libeigen3-dev libxc-dev sudo curl clang-tidy ninja-build libclang-dev llvm-dev libomp-dev clang-format software-properties-common zstd libint2-dev libecpint-dev python3-rdkit python3-h5py python3-pytest pybind11-dev python3-xmltodict ase && apt-get purge --autoremove -y && apt-get clean" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100