Welcome to the Volume Network website that was built using Javascript and Gatsby.
The repository contains a .env file that contains information that will not be made public, such as passwords. This file is included in the .gitignore file to prevent the information being uploaded onto Github.
To begin, clone down the repository to your machine to run it locally, you can copy the github URL from the 'code' dropdown at the top of the repo page. In your terminal when in the folder you wish to clone the repository into, enter the following:
git clone https://github.com/volumenetwork/volume-website-2019-gatsby.git
You can now load up the repository in your source-code editor.
You will need to install the dependency packages on your first use, using:
npm i
The commands that can be used to run the site locally are:
npm build
npm develop
npm run start
The site will be hosted locally though this link: http://localhost:8000/