ClI for video-crop
npm install --global video-crop-cli
yarn global add video-crop-cli
$ video-crop --help
Usage: index [options] <inputFile> <outputFile>
-V, --version output the version number
-x, --xstart <xItems> Comma separated x start point values for outputs
-y, --ystart <yItems> Comma separated y start point values for outputs
-w, --width <widthItems> Comma separated width values for outputs
-h, --height <heightItems> Comma separated hiehgt values for outputs
-f, --fps <fps> Frames per second for output video
-h, --help output usage information
video-crop -x 0,400 -y 0,400 -w 400,600 -h 400,600 ~/input.mp4 ~/output.mp4
In this example you will end with two new files: ~/output1.mp4
and ~/output2.mp4