Javascript Library to be able to play videos from a Layer on the UHDPro Application. This is only designed to work with the Volume UHDPro Android Application version 1.5.0 and upwards.
yarn add uhdpro-layer-video-player
npm install uhdpro-layer-video-player
imnport VideoPlayer from 'uhdpro-layer-video-player';
const videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer({
onVideoPlayCallbacks: [console.log], // optional
onVideoEndCallbacks: [console.log], // optional
// start:foo.mp4
// { command: 'start', fileName: 'foo.mp4' } // onVideoPlayCallbacks
// stop:foo.mp4
// { command: 'stop', fileName: null } // onVideoEndCallbacks
// stop
// { command: 'stop', fileName: null } // onVideoEndCallbacks
- Tests
- Improve documentation