A command line tool that uses volo as a library to do searches and resolutions of github IDs for front end/browser-based web dependencies.
This shows how you could use volo's github awareness just for identifying code on github, without using volo's other features.
This may be useful if you like the idea of using github as a package registry, but did not want to use the volo client tool to pull down the code.
It also allows you to experiment with how different IDs would be resolved using github and its API for a registry.
These features of volo do not require or assume AMD or some
other module format to work. It just operates on github,
using owner/repo
pairs for final resolution, and version
tags to find the latest release.
Running ghvolo does not install anything, it just prints out JSON results.
Install globally so that the bin command works in any directory.
npm install -g ghvolo
There are two commands that ghvolo understands:
Search github for a given repo name:
ghvolo search jquery
This will give the top five github search results for repos that are
language=JavaScript. The first search result's owner/repo
combination is
used for the resolve
command below.
Resolves a repo name to the owner/repo/latestVersionTag
along with info on a download URL. Understands package.json
files that have a volo
or browser
section, and will fall
back to volojs/repos for shim
config for any owner/repo
pairs that are in volojs/repos:
ghvolo resolve jquery
By default, ghvolo uses prettyjson to show the JSON output. However, if
you are more comfortable reading the raw JSON, pass -j
ghvolo -j search jquery
ghvolo -j resolve jquery
ghvolo resolve bootstrap#js/bootstrap-alert.js
Resolves 'bootstrap', and give an url for the latest tag version, picking
out just the js/bootstrap-alert.js
file within that tagged archive.
ghvolo resolve backbone
Resolves backbone. documentcloude/backbone has a shim config in volojs/repos,
so volo dependencies are listed in the packageInfo section, and since the
volojs/repos shim has a volo.url
section, a direct download link for
backbone.js is used for the download URL.
ghvolo resolve underscore
Resolves to documentcloud/underscore. underscore does not have a shimmed package.json for a simple one file JS download url, so the download URL is a zip file for the latest release version.
ghvolo resolve html5boilerplate
Resolves to h5bp/html5-boilerplate and gives a zipball URL for the latest version tag release.