open-vm-tools 12.0.5
open-vm-tools 12.0.5 release based on build 19716617
Please refer to the release notes at
The granular changes that have gone into the 12.0.5 release are in the ChangeLog at
There are no new features or significant changes in the open-vm-tools 12.0.5 release. This is primarily a maintenance release and addresses some potential FTBFS issues with newer versions of GCC.
For issues resolved in this release, see the Resolved Issues section of the Release Notes.
A potential failure to build from source [FTBFS] issue for 32-bit Linux systems was reported in issue #588. The fix did not make the code freeze cut-off date, but the fix is available on the development branch. Details to obtain the fix are available in the Known Issues section of the Release Notes.