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mdaneri edited this page May 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Manage Improved Virtual Disks Virtual Disk


        ivd  -promote [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all]
        ivd  -attach [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all]
        ivd  -list [-vim <vcenter>] [-all] [-detail]
        ivd  -remove [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all] [-quiet]
        ivd  -reconcile [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-quiet]
        ivd  -rename [-name <name>] [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-quiet]
        ivd  -cbt <on|off> [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all]
        ivd  -detach [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all] [-quiet]
        ivd  -keepafterdeletevm <yes|no> [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all] [-quiet]
        ivd  -tag <attach|detach|list> [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all]
        ivd  -extend [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all]
        ivd  -disablerelocation <yes|no> [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-all] [-quiet]
        ivd  -create [-name <name>] [-type <t|z|h>] [-vim <vcenter>] [-dryrun] [-sbpmprofile]
        ivd  -help


  -promote                                        Promote vm disk to Improved Virtual Disks.
  -attach                                         Attach Improved Virtual Disks  to Virtual Machine.
  -list                                           List Improved Virtual Disks.
  -remove                                         Remove the Improved Virtual Disks.
  -reconcile                                      Reconcile Improved Virtual Disks database
  -rename                                         Rename the Improved Virtual Disk.
  -cbt <on|off>                                   Enable disable Change Block Tracking
  -detach                                         Detach Improved Virtual Disks from a Virtual Machine.
  -keepafterdeletevm <yes|no>                     Enable/disable keepAfterDeleteVm property
  -tag <attach|detach|list>                       Attach, Detach and List Improved Virtual Disk Tags
  -extend                                         Extend the disk size. Use size for disk size
  -disablerelocation <yes|no>                     Enable/disable keepAfterDeleteVm property
  -create                                         Create a new Improved Virtual Disks.
  -help                                           Help
  -size <size(k|M|G|T|P)>                         IVD size. Used by create and extend
  -datastore <name>                               Datastore name.
  -name <name>                                    Used by create and rename
  -type <t|z|h>                                   Backend type  EAGER_ZEROED_THICK(t|thick)
                              LAZY_ZEROED_THICK(z|zero), THIN (h|thin). Used by
  -vim <vcenter>                                  Target a specific vim service  <vim> (uuid,url)
  -dryrun                                         Do not do anything.
  -device [ctrlkey:unit|ctrlkey|:unit]            Specify the disk controller. Optional for attachctrlkey
                              Device Key of the controller the disk will connect to.unit:
                              unit disk number.
  -sbpmprofile                                    Set Improved Virtual Disks Storage Profile.
  -all                                            Operation apply to any Improved Virtual Disks.
  -detail                                         Show details. Used with list
  -quiet                                          No confirmation is asked.


 ivd -list -vim 9a583042-cb9d-5673-cbab-56a02a91805d
        Show any Improved Virtual Disks available on vCenter 9a583042-cb9d-5673-cbab-56a02a91805d
 ivd -remove ivd:testDisk
        Delete the Improved Virtual Disks testDisk
 ivd -attach 1000:2 ivd:testDisk vm:Windows2016Test
        Attach the Improved Virtual Disks testDisk to VM Windows2016Test as 2nd disk controller id 1000
 ivd -create -name myIvdDisk -size 20G -datastore vsanDatastore -type zero
        Create an Improved Virtual Disks name myIvdDisk type EAGER_ZEROED_THICK of size 20GB on datastore vsanDatastore


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