#Curated Quote List
This is a collection of favorite quotes from member of the infamous Coding Collective. Add as many as you like.
To add to the list of quotes:
- Fork repository to your personal Github repository.
- Add your quote either directly on Github or clone to your computer and make changes
- Create Pull Request.
##The Quotes
Something unknown is doing we don't know what - that is what our knowledge amounts to.
Sir Arthur Eddington, 1927
..from so simple beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
Charles Darwin
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
John Keats
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi
I carefully described to Huxley the shooting of the pollinia in Catasetum, and received for an answer, 'Do you really think I can believe all that?
Charles Darwin
Why should you call me to account for eating decently?
George Bernard Shaw
Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.
George Carlin
If government were a product, selling it would be illegal.
P. J. O'Rourke
I like the quote thing. Are people updating the quotes?
Julin Maloof
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.
E. O. Wilson
Hello World
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education
Mark Twain
I think I finally understand how some of this works! Maybe.
Kaisa Kajala
I thought of that while riding my bicycle.
Albert Einstein on the theory of relativity
Hell, if I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn't have been worth the Nobel prize.
Richard Feynman
When I see an actual flesh-and-blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the policeman, I do not have to ask myself which side I am on.
George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia
Music is the shorthand of emotion.
Leo Tolstoy
Yer a wizard 'arry
Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
Neil Gaiman, Coraline