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Vasilis Mavromatis edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 10 revisions

Basic Workflow

STEP 0: Import python library

sudo pip install git+ --upgrade

STEP 1: Choose ONE of the following operations to search for a hotel.

Save the rate_key of the room that you desire to book in a variable. Note the rate_type for Step 2 and payment_type for Step 3.

STEP 2 (OPTIONAL): If the ratekey from step 1 was of rateType RECHECK perform the following operation.

STEP 3: Book the hotel with the ratekey you got from above. Depending on the payment_type do ONE of the two:

* Note that for this operation the API version used is 1.2
** Note that for this operation the host path used is ""

Post-Booking Operations