Neo4jBolt.jl is a Julia port of the official Neo4j Driver (1.7). It supports Neo4j 3.0 and above using the fast binary Bolt protocal. The Bolt driver is designed to be much faster than the HTTP REST based driver.
Encrypted SSL connections and cluster routing have not yet been implemented in this version.
Here are a few usage examples. For a more extensive collection of examples see the integration tests in the test/integration directory of this repository.
using Neo4jBolt
driver = Neo4jBoltDriver("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
session(driver) do sess
result = run(sess, "UNWIND(RANGE(1, 10)) AS z RETURN z")
for record in result
using Neo4jBolt
driver = Neo4jBoltDriver("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
session(driver) do sess
begin_transaction(sess) do tx
result = run(tx, "CREATE (a:Person {name:'Alice'}) RETURN a")
v = value(single(result))
println(v.labels == Set(["Person"]))
println( == Dict("name"=>"Alice"))
using Neo4jBolt
driver = Neo4jBoltDriver("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
function add_friend(tx, args, kwargs)
run(tx, "MERGE (a:Person {name: \$name}) " *
"MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(friend:Person {name: \$friend_name})", name=args[1], friend_name=args[2])
function print_friends(tx, args, kwargs)
for record in run(tx, "MATCH (a:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(friend) WHERE = \$name " *
"RETURN ORDER BY", name=args[1])
session(driver) do sess
write_transaction(sess, add_friend, "Arthur", "Guinevere")
write_transaction(sess, add_friend, "Arthur", "Lancelot")
write_transaction(sess, add_friend, "Arthur", "Merlin")
read_transaction(sess, print_friends, "Arthur")
By default Neo4j Date, Time and Duration types are returned as Julia Date, Time, DateTime, ZonedDateTime or Dates.CompoundPeriod types where appropriate. However, Julia Dates and Neo4j Dates are slightly incompatible. Specifically, Julia DateTimes do not support nanosecond time. Julia Times do not support TimeZones. Also Julia's TimeZone system is not entirely compatible with Neo4j's. As a workaround to these incompatibilities, you can choose to use the provided DateWrapper, TimeWrapper, DateTimeWrapper and DurationWrapper types instead. These wrap Neo4j's native representations in Julia struct types. To return these wrapper types from a query set use_julia_dates=false
as a keyword argument to the run
# Here a ZonedDateTime is returned but the nanosecods are truncated
session(tc.driver) do sess
result = run(sess,"RETURN datetime('1976-06-13T12:34:56.789012345[Europe/London]')")
v = value(single(result))
@test isa(v, ZonedDateTime)
@test v == ZonedDateTime(DateTime(1976, 6, 13, 12, 34, 56, 789), tz"Europe/London")
# Here a DateTimeWrapper is returned and nanosecods are not truncated
session(tc.driver) do sess
result = run(sess, "RETURN datetime('1976-06-13T12:34:56.789012345[Europe/London]')", use_julia_dates=false)
v = value(single(result))
@test isa(v, DateTimeWrapper)
@test v == DateTimeWrapper(1976, 6, 13, 12, 34, 56, 789012345, timezone="Europe/London")