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Vladimir Mandic edited this page Sep 6, 2024 · 24 revisions

Black Forest Labs FLUX.1

FLUX.1 family consists of 3 variations:

  • Pro
    Model weights are NOT released, model is available only via Black Forest Labs
  • Dev
    Open-weight, guidance-distilled from Pro variation, available for non-commercial applications
  • Schnell
    Open-weight, timestep-distilled from Dev variation, available under Apache2.0 license

Additionally SD.Next includes pre-quantized variations of FLUX.1 Dev variation: qint8, qint4 and nf4

To use either any variations or quantizations, simply select it from Networks -> Reference
and model will be auto-downloaded on first use


  • FLUX.1 Dev variant is a gated model, you need to accept the terms and conditions to use it
  • Do not download any of the base model manually, use built-in downloader!


  • Pick variant that uses less memory as model in original form has very high requirements
  • Set appropriate offloading setting before loading the model to avoid out-of-memory errors
  • Check compatibility of different quantizations with your platform and gpu!



There are already many FLUX.1 unofficial variations available
Any Diffuser-based variation can be downloaded and loaded into SD.Next using Models -> Huggingface -> Download
For example, interesting variation is a merge of Dev and Schnell variations by sayakpaul: sayakpaul/FLUX.1-merged


SD.Next includes support for FLUX.1 LoRAs

Since LoRA keys vary significantly between tools used to train LoRA as well as LoRA types,
support for additional LoRAs will be added as needed - please report any non-functional LoRAs!

Also note that compatibility of LoRA depends on the quantization type! If you have issues loading LoRA, try switching your FLUX.1 base model to different quantization type


Note: Loading of all-in-one single-file safetensors requires branch

Typical all-in-one safetensors file is over 20GB in size and contains full model with transformer, both text-encoders and VAE
Since text encoders and VAE are same between all FLUX.1 models, using all-in-one safetensors is not recommended


Unet/Transformer component of FLUX.1 is a typical model fine-tune and is around 11GB in size

To load a Unet/Transformer safetensors file:

  1. Download safetensors file from desired source and place it in models/UNET folder
    example: FastFlux Unchained
  2. Load FLUX.1 model as usual and then
  3. Replace transformer with one in desired safetensors file using:
    Settings -> Execution & Models -> UNet

Text Encoder

SD.Next allows changing optional text encoder on-the-fly

Go to Settings -> Models -> Text encoder and select the desired text encoder
T5 enhances text rendering and some details, but its otherwise very lightly used and optional
Loading lighter T5 will greatly decrease model resource usage, but may not be compatible with all offloading modes


To use prompt attention syntax with FLUX.1, set
Settings -> Execution -> Prompt attention to xhinker

Example image with different encoder quantization options


SD.Next allows changing VAE model used by FLUX.1 on-the-fly
There are no alternative VAE models released, so this setting is mostly for future use


To enable image previews during generate, set Settings -> Live Preview -> Method to TAESD

To further speed up generation, you can disable "full quality" which triggers use of TAESD instead of full VAE to decode final image


As mentioned, FLUX.1 at the moment supports only Euler FlowMatch scheduler, additional schedulers will be added in the future
Due to specifics of flow-matching methods, number of steps also has strong influence on the image composition, not just on the way how its resolved

Example image at different steps

Additionally, sampler can be tuned with shift parameter which roughly modifies how long does model spend on composition vs actual diffusion

Example image with different sampler shift values flux-shift


Note: Support for FLUX.1 ControlNet requires branch

Support for all InstantX/Shakker-Labs models including Union-Pro

FLUX.1 ControlNets are large at over 6GB on top of already very large FLUX.1 model
as such, you may need to use offloading:sequential which is not as fast, but uses far less memory

When using union model, you must also select control mode in the control unit
FLUX.1 does not yet support img2img so to use ControlNet, you need to set input image via control unit override, not via main panel input image

Example quicksettings


For convience, you can add setting that allow quick replacements of model compoto your quicksettings by adding Settings -> User Interface -> Quicksettings list -> sd_unet, sd_vae, sd_text_encoder




Quantization can significantly reduce memory requirements, but it can also slightly reduce quality of outputs
Also, different quantization options are very platform and GPU dependent and are not supported on all platforms

  • qint8 and qint8 quantization require optimum-quanto which will be auto-installed on first use
  • nf4 quantization requires bitsandbytes which will be auto-installed on first use

Another option is NNCF which performs quantization during model load (instead of having a pre-quantized model)


Advantage of NNCF is that does works on any platform: if you're having issues with optimum-quanto or bitsandbytes, try it out!

Example image with both dev and schnell variations and different transformer quantization options


  • requires torch==2.4.0
    if you're running older torch, you can try upgrading it or running sdnext with --reinstall flag
  • not compatible with balanced offload
  • note compatibile with most LoRAs
  • not supported on Intel Arc/IPEX since IPEX is still based on Torch 2.1
  • not supported with Zluda since Zluda does not support torch 2.4
  • not supported on AMD ROCm on Linux using official package due to explicit CUDA checks
    works with AMD ROCm on Linux using fork of:


  • default bitsandbytes package only supports nVidia GPUs
  • only supported on Linux due to reliance on torch.compile
  • some quantization types require newer GPU with supported CUDA ops
    e.g. nVidia Turing GPUs or newer
  • intructions for AMD/ROCm support
  • for Intel/IPEX support


  • broad platform and GPU support
  • enable in Settings -> Compute -> Compress model weights with NNCF
  • see NNCF Wiki for more details


FLUX.1 is a massive model at ~32GB and as such it is recommended to use offloading
To set offloading, see Settings -> Diffusers -> Model offload mode:

  • Balanced
    Recommended for compatible high VRAM GPUs
    Faster but requires compatible platform and sufficient VRAM
    Not compatible with Quanto qint quantization
  • Sequential
    Recommended for low VRAM GPUs Much slower but allows FLUX.1 to run on GPUs with 6GB VRAM
    Not compatible with Quanto qint or BitsAndBytes nf4 quantization
  • Model
    High compatibility than either balanced and sequential, but lesser savings


Performance and memory usage of different FLUX.1 variations:

dtype time (sec) performance memory offload note
bf16 >32 GB none *1
bf16 50.47 0.40 it/s balanced *2
bf16 94.28 0.21 it/s 1.89 GB sequential
nf4 14.69 1.36 it/s 17.92 GB none
nf4 21.02 0.95 it/s balanced *2
nf4 sequential *3
qint8 15.42 1.30 it/s 18.85 GB none
qint8 balanced *4
qint8 sequential *5
qint4 18.37 1.09 it/s 11.38 GB none
qint4 balanced *4
qint4 sequential *5


  • *1: Memory usage exceeeds 32GB and is not recommended
  • *2: Balanced offload VRAM usage is not included since it depends on desired threshold
  • *3: BitsAndBytes nf4 quantization is not compatible with sequential offload

    Error: Blockwise quantization only supports 16/32-bit floats

  • *4: Quanto qint quantization is not compatible with balanced offload

    Error: missing 5 required positional arguments

  • *5: Quanto qint quantization is not compatible with sequential offload

    Error: Expected all tensors to be on the same device

ToDo / Future

Clone this wiki locally