This guide gives you a few tips on learning and education. Read the question, google, go to the next, repeat. There are no guarantees that you will receive the same questions in your interview. But I hope that this list will simplify it.
- What javascript types do you know?
- What types of conversion do you know?
- How works
Object + number
? - How works
undefined + string
? - How works
if (new Boolean(false))
? - How works
if ( { a: 4 } )
? - How convert number to string?
- What event stages do you know?
- What is target?
differences- How throw event?
- How catch event?
- How catch event on capturing stage?
- How change colors on multiple div's on mouse click? What is delegation?
- How wroks pototype inheritance?
- What is
propetry and how we get it? Why we haven't write new properties to__proto__
directly? - How we make prototype inheritance in javascript?
- What we will get in instance of B class (extends A class) if we will change some variable in A.prototype?
- What we will get in instance of B class (extends A class) if we will change some variable that related to A class?
- (Bonus) Make polyfill for
- What way to pass the context in funciton do you know?
- In which stage function get the context variable "this"?
- What is lexical environment?
- (Bonus) Make polyfill for
- What is closure? some examples...
- How implement conter with closure?
- How implement module with closure?
- How save context with closure? (bonus for setTimeout example)
- What stages of promise do you know?
- How chain promise?
- What returns onFullfiled function?
- What returns catch if we chain it to promise invocation?
- How works finally?
- (Bonus) make polyfill for
- Why we have to use let and const instead of var?
- Why we have to use arrow functions?
- What interfaces are compiled into?
- What are the decorators under the hood?
- (Bonus) How create own decorator? Examples...
- How componennts can communicate with each other?
- Components lifecycle hooks order
- How works view encapsulation? What types of view encapsulation do you know?
- How we can detect click on component?
- What is host listener and host binding?
- (Bonus) Ways to change child components styles
- What is zones? How it works?
- How works change detection in angular?
- What approaches do you know to disable change detection in components?
- What approaches do you know to enable change detection in components again?
- (Bonus) What event in zone triggers change detection?
- What is cold and hot observables?
- What are the differences between the subject and the observable?
- Subject types?
- What operator on observable do you know?
differences?- Ways to unsubcribe of observable?
- (Bonus) How works
- How define new service and pass it to component?
- What in dependency injection and dependency tree?
- How works providers on module and providers on compoennts?
- How we can prevent injector creation for lazyloaded module?
- How implement lazyloading?
- (Bonus) How implement
method and why we need it?
- Why we need pipes?
- How implement custom pipe?
- What is pure and impure pipes?
- (Bonus) How implement statefull pipe?
- How implement template driven forms?
- How implement reactive forms?
- How create custom validator?
- How create dependent (from other control) custom validator?
- What is routing outlet?
- Why we need child routes?
- Why we need active route?
- Why we need guards and how implement custom guard?
- How test component?
- What is
? - How mock http service and test it?
- (Bonus) What is spy? Did you ever use it?
Try to solve it without tips
- Sort words by number inside:
'ads2aa 5qw asd1aa' => 'asd1aa ads2aa 5qw'
function sortWords(str) {
var arr = str.split(' ');
return arr.sort( (a,b) => {
var num1 = +a.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')
var num2 = +b.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')
return num1-num2
}).join(' ')
- Find and collect anagramms:
['adsaa', 'asaad', 'gqw', 'qwg'] => [ [ 'adsaa', 'asaad' ], [ 'gqw', 'qwg' ] ]
function findAnagramms(arr) {
var cache = {};
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var sorted = arr[i].split('').sort().join('');
if (!cache[sorted]) {
cache[sorted] = [];
for (var key in cache) {
return result;
- Make funny object from string:
'a.b.c.d' => { a : { b : { c : { d: null } } } }
function objectizer(str) {
return str.split('.').reduceRight( (total, a) => {
return { [a]: total }
}, null);
- fibonacci
function fibo(num) {
function fibo_run(prev, next, count) {
return count > 0 ? fibo_run(next, prev+next, --count) : next;
return fibo_run(0, 1, num-1);
- Find monotone sequence:
[2,3,4] => true; [4,3,1,1] => true; [2,5,1] => false; [1,2,3,0] => false; [1,2,2,2,1] => false
function mono(arr) {
var status;
var prevStatus;
for (var i = 0; i<arr.length-1; i++) {
if (arr[i] == arr[i+1]) continue;
if (prevStatus === undefined) {
prevStatus = ((arr[i] - arr[i+1]) > 0)
status = (arr[i] - arr[i+1] > 0)
if (prevStatus == status) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
- Validate brackets:
'()()()' => true; '(())()' => true; ')()' => false; '(()' => false;
function bracketsValidate(str) {
var counter = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ( arr[i] == ')' ) counter--;
if ( arr[i] == '(' ) counter++;
if ( counter < 0) return false;
return counter == 0;
- Compress word:
'aaavvdeeemmmg' => 'a3v2de3m3g'
function compressWord(str) {
var result = '';
var counter = 1;
for ( var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (result.length == 0) {
result = result.concat(str[i])
if (result[result.length-1] != str[i]) {
if (counter > 1) {
result = result.concat(counter)
counter = 1;
result = result.concat(str[i])
} else {
return result;
- Currying:
add(4)(3)(1) => 8
function add(a) {
function addFunc(b) {
a += b;
return addFunc;
addFunc.valueOf = function() {
return a;
return addFunc
- Create increment function for array (behave like number):
[4,5,3].increment() => [4, 5, 4]; [4,5,9].increment() => [4, 6, 0]
Array.prototype.increment = function() {
var incremented = false;
this.reverse().forEach( (item,i) => {
if ( item < 9 && !incremented ) {
this[i] = ++item; incremented = true;
} else if (item == 9) {
this[i] = 0;
if (this[this.length-1] == 0) this.push(1);
return this.reverse().slice()
Create polyfill for
Create polyfill for
Create polyfill for
- - From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations
- JavaScript Design Patterns - This book is targeted at professional developers wishing to improve their knowledge of design patterns and how they can be applied to the JavaScript programming language.
- Rangle's Angular Training Book - This book will cover the most important Angular topics