List of all TDD / BDD React.js related tutorials / links / repos / slides
There seems to be little information about how to approach TDD/BDD when it comes to React.js.
Original question on StackOverflow
If you would like to add more just send a PR or start an issue =)
- How React Components Make UI Testing Easy - (git) - by (Swizec)
- Testing React Component - great tutorial and gifs!
- React TDD Example - Jest/Gulp/React Test Utils. Unit Testing and Building a React Component (shidhincr)
- TDD with karma on React components - Karma/Webpack. Tutorial not complete more to come. (dtryon)
- Approaches to testing React components - an overview
- Unit Testing React Components: Jest or Enzyme?
#Videos / Screencasts:
- react-tdd-guide - Mocah/Chai/JsDom, plenty here but only valid for io.js because of JsDom use. (zpratt)
- Unit testing React components without a DOM A simple example of unit testing two React components in Mocha with shallow rendering. (simonsmith)
- Webpack
- Testing React and Flux applications with Karma and Webpack - (tutorial) - (git) - (kentor)
- How to test React components using Karma and webpack - (tutorial) - (necolas)
- Testing ReactJS Components with Karma and Webpack - (tutorial) - (git) - (justinwoo)
- Testing a react project with Karma and Webpack - (tutorial) - Chris Harrington
- in-flux - (git) - Karma/Webpack/Babel. Great examples of testing - (nkbt)
- Gulp
- Unit Testing - (tutorial) Gulp/Jasmine/Karma
- Jest
- Huxley
- Testing React components - (tutorial) - with Huxley - (wereHamster)
- Mocha
- Automated testing in Yahoo Mail - (blog post from Yahoo) - (@ankitshah2787)
- Redux
- Async Redux testing - (github example) - (@ruffle1986)
#Shallow Rendering:
- Unit testing React components without a DOM
- Shallow Rendering (oficial docs)
- react-shallow-testutils- Replacement for TestUtils when using React's shallow rendering
#Facebook/React Docs
- Test Utilities -
- Jest - Facebook's testing enviroment based on Jasmine
- Testing Flux Applications - tutorial
#Testing enviroment comparisons:
- Testing with ReactJS at Codecademy - Karma + Jasmine vs Jest (100x faster than Jest)
- Testing React Web Apps with Mocha
#Various Suites