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Euclid project (2D mass mapping Processing Function)

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Software identification

  • Processing function name : 2D-MASS-WL
  • Projectname : LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS
  • Profile : prototype
  • Version : 2.5


The processing function (PF) 2D-MASS-WL computes from the shear catalogue:

  1. Convergence (E/B mode) maps for small patches
  2. Spherical (E/B mode) Convergence maps
  3. Peak Catalogue


RD Title Reference Issue Date
1 ML0 Datapackage SEDI-EUCLID-SP-0131-16 1.0 04/2016
2 Mass Mapping output Document for ML0 SEDI-EUCLID-SP-0132-16 1.0 04/2016
3 Mass Mapping Requirements SEDI-EUCLID-SP-0133-16 4.0 05/2017

Short description

Software 2D-MASS-WL version 2.x which has been redesigned to include new features. The 2D-MASS-WL PF aims to produce:

  • R-LE3-PRD-F-030: E and B-modes tomographic 2D convergence maps for Nz ≥ 1 redshift bins with a minimum effective angular resolution of 2 arcmin. o Small-field convergence maps o Full-sky convergence maps
  • G-LE3-PRD-F-031: Related to R-LE3-PRD-F-030, N>100 resamples of the shear catalogue shall be used to compute error bars on the solution
  • R-LE3-PRD-F-032: Catalogues containing the positions and SNRs of peaks detected in 2D Weak Lensing maps (to study peak counts)

See also [RD1] and [RD2] for more details.

Main programs available

The processing function (PF) 2D-MASS-WL contains four different modules:

  • Cartesian mass mapping module : The processing steps to perform the mass mapping in the plane.
  • Spherical mass mapping module : The processing steps to perform the mass mapping in the sphere.
  • Peak Count module : The processing steps to build the peak catalogue.
  • Utilities: It contains common classes used by all other modules

How to produce the outputs ?

E and B modes convergence maps

In order to produce an E an B modes converegnce maps, we need:

  • to split the catalogue into several subcatalogues. This is done by "CatalogSplitter" module [optional].
  • to create shear maps from a shear catalogue. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker".
  • to perform the mass inversion from shear maps to build the convergence maps. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping".

SNR maps

In order to produce the SNR maps, we need:

  • Randomise the shear orientation of each galaxy in the shear catalogue.
  • to create noise shear maps from a randomised shear. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker".
  • to perform the mass inversion from noise shear maps to build the noise convergence maps. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping".

Peak catalogue

Peak catalogue can be produced either using Convergence map or Shear. In order to produce Peak Catalogue from shear, we need :

  • To get Peak catalogue from shear catalog which can be obtained by class "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountShear.cpp"

In order to produce Peak Catalogue from convergence, we need :

  • To create shear maps from a shear catalogue. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker".
  • To perform the mass inversion from shear maps to convergence maps. This is done by the "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping" or "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping".
  • To get Peak catalogue from convergence map, which can be obtained by either "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountConvergence" in case of Cartesian maps or by "LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountSphere" in case of full sky.


The distribution have been checked with the libraries hereafter:

'Elements' distribution

- LODEEN 2.1.2
- Elements 5.12.0

Installation with 'Elements'

Download the project

cd $HOME/Work/Projects
git clone

Building the project

make clean
make purge
make configure
make install

Running the unitary tests

make test

Data Model

Here is the link to the official data model:

Input file format

We have two different inputs (depend on the pipeline).

First Input: Shear catalog (coming from OU-SHE and OU-PHZ) is expected to contain the following columns:

catalog entries Description
RA Right ascension (unit defined as a parameter)
DEC Declination (unit defined as a parameter)
G1 first component of ellipticity (mode, median, mean for instance)
G2 second component of ellipticity (mode, median, mean for instance)
WEIGHT weighting for the galaxy
PHZ_MEDIAN The median of the PHZ_PDF
PHZ_CORRECTION The shift to apply to the PDZs of all objects having this bias identifier
PHZ_PDF PHZ PDF values, for Z in range [0,6] with 0.01 step

Note: All columns (except PHZ_MEDIAN & PHZ_PDF) are depend on the different Shear estimation methods (LENSMC, MOMENTSML, KSB or REGAUSS).

Second Input: Cluster catalog (coming from CAT-CL) is expected to contain the following columns:

catalog entries Description
ID Identifier of the cluster candidate
RA Right ascension the cluster center (unit defined as a parameter)
DEC Declination of the cluster center (unit defined as a parameter)
Z Estimate of the cluster redshift
RADIUS Radius associated to the detection
RICHNESS Richness parameter (a redshift-independent quantity to be used as a mass proxy)

Third Input: Binary Visibility Mask (in Healpix format coming from VMPZ-ID) is expected to contain the following information:

catalog entries Description
PIXEL Index of the HEALPix pixel cell
WEIGHT Mask value, ranging from 0 to 1

Patch-Based E/B Convergence Maps Parameters

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
GaussSTD standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing)
DenoisingAlgo denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software)
ThresholdFDR false discovery rate threshold

Patch-Based SNR Maps Parameters

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
NResamples number of resampling of input dictionary

Patch-Based E/B Convergence Maps Parameters for Cluster Pipeline

Keyword name Description
MassThreshold Select cluster with mass greater than this threshold.
ZMargin Redshift margin for clusters (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax)
ZMax Maximal redshift considered in the catalog (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax)
ZMaxHalo Maximal redshift of the halo to be kept in the cluster catalog selection
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
GaussSTD standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing)
DenoisingAlgo denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software)
ThresholdFDR false discovery rate threshold

Patch-Based SNR Maps Parameters for Cluster Pipeline

Keyword name Description
MassThreshold Select cluster with mass greater than this threshold.
ZMargin Redshift margin for clusters (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax)
ZMax Maximal redshift considered in the catalog (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax)
ZMaxHalo Maximal redshift of the halo to be kept in the cluster catalog selection
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
NResamples number of resampling of input dictionary

Spherical E/B Convergence Maps Parameters

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Nside Healpix pixel size
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
GaussSTD standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing)
DenoisingAlgo denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software)

Spherical SNR Maps Parameters

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Nside Healpix pixel size
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
NResamples number of resampling of input dictionary

Peak Count using Wavelet Filter Configuration file

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NItReducedShear number of iteration for reduced shear correction
NInpaint number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
NInpScale number of wavelet scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting)
AddBorder Adding border to the map (false if not adding border)
EqualVarPerScale Equal Variance inside/outside mask per wavelet scale
ForceBMode flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps
GaussSTD standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing)
DenoisingAlgo denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software)
ThresholdFDR false discovery rate threshold
NScale Number of scales for the peaks

Peak Count using Mass Aperture Configuration file

Keyword name Description
Nbins number of redshift bins
ZMin min redshift used
ZMax max redshift used
BalancedBins Repartition of galaxies in redshift bins
Project type of projection
Longitude Right ascension of the center of the patch
Latitude Declination of the center of the patch
PixelSize Size of the pixels
PatchWidth Size of the patchs
NPeakScale List of aperture radius for peaks

Convergence maps Output file

  • Patches: N 3 dimensional cartesian maps (per redshift bin) containing 2D E and B mode convergence maps of the N patches of the sky.

The image contains an image with the number of galaxies per pixel in the maps (can serve to derive a noise level or to identify zones where inpainting has been performed- zone with no galaxy measured).

  • Sphere: For each redshift bin (1 hdu per redshift bin), the E/B modes are stored in a 2d binary table with two vector columns (KAPPA_E, KAPPA_B)s.

For each redshift bin, a GALCOUNT column will contain the number of Galaxies measured per pixel on the sphere and redshift bin considered, which can also be used to identify the area inpainted (pixel without measured galaxies).

SNR maps Output file

  • Patches: N 3 dimensional cartesian maps (per redshift bin) containing the 2D SNR associated to the E and B modes convergence maps for the N patches of the sky.

  • Sphere: For each redshift bin (1 hdu per redshift bin), the maps are stored in a 2d binary table with two vector columns (SNR_E, SNR_B), associated to the E/B SNR maps.

Peak Count Output file

The output peak catalog contains the following columns:

Catalogue entries Description
RA_OBJ right ascension of the peak
DEC_OBJ declination of the peak
ZMIN minimum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected
ZMAX maimum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected
THETA scale where peak has been detected
SNR SNR associated to the peak

Quality checking

This step compiles the code with quality flags and runs many profiling tools. A dashboard allow us to have a look on the analysis.

The command to start the analysis locally in LODEEN is: checkQuality -m all

The dashboard produced by 'checkQuality' in CODEEN is visible with the url:

The Maturity level and sonar report is visible with the url:

Software available

C++ binary components

The code should be launched with the standard Euclid procedure with the command:

E-Run [version] options

The LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS has 4 modules:

o The Cartesian mass mapping module includes the processing steps to perform the mass mapping in the plane.

o The Spherical mass mapping module includes the processing steps to perform the mass mapping in the sphere.

o The Peak Count module includes the processing steps to build the peak catalogue

o And a Utilities module on top of it.

The executables are based on the operations.

Here is the list of the binary softwares available in the built :

Cartesian Mass Mapping Module

I) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter

The module CatalogSplitter extract sub-catalogues from the shear catalogue according to the requirements:

  • The redshift range (redshift min and max to be considered)
  • The number of bins (in the defined redshift range)
  • A Boolean to set the galaxy repartition in the redshift bins (regular redshift bins or with an equal number of bins)
	LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter --  is used to cut out the catalogues in several subcatalogues

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path>          name of the working directory 
	  --inputCatalog=<name>          input Catalog in fits/xml format
  	  --paramFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>          Input Parameter File to split input catalog
  	  --Sub_Catalogs=<name>          jason/txt file name to store Sub-Catalog Names

Running the code

Split the catalogue into subcatalogues :

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--paramFile=ParamConvergencePatch.xml --inputCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml

II) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker

The module LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker:

  • build the shear maps from the shear catalogue. It includes gnomonic projection, projection effects correction and pixelisation.
E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path> 					                	name of the working directory 
	  --input_ShearCatalog=<name>				            input shear Catalog in fits/xml format
      --input_ClusterCatalog=<name>                         input cluster Catalog in fits/xml
	  --paramFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>       	Input Parameter File in XML
	  --outShearMap=<name>   				                output shear Map in fits format
      --outShearMapList=<name>                              List of output shear Maps in text/json format

Running the code

Build the shear maps from the shear catalogue:

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--paramFile=ParamConvergencePatch.xml --input_ShearCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml

Build the shear maps from the shear catalogue & cluster catalogue:

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMapMaker --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--paramFile=ParamConvergenceCluster.xml --input_ShearCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml --input_ClusterCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-twodmass-ClusterCatalog.xml

III) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping

The LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping performs the (Cartesian) direct mass inversion using KS or KS+ methods. The optional input parameters (for KS+):

  • Number of inpainting iterations
  • Number of reduced shear iterations
  • A Boolean to set B-mode constraint
  • A Boolean to force the power spectrum constraint to enforce the variance inside the gaps to be equal to the variance outside the gaps at different scales
  • Number of scales used by the power spectrum constraint
  • The width of the Gaussian filter for reduced shear iteration
  • A Boolean to add borders to the map to deal with border effects

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path> 						                name of the working directory 
	  --inputShearMap=<name>				            	input Shear Map in fits/json file format
      --inputConvMap=<name>                                 input convergence Map in fits format
	  --paramFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>       	Input Parameter File in XML
      --outConvMap=<name>                                   output convergence Map in fits format
	  --outConvMapXML=<name>   		     	                output convergence Map in xml format
      --outShearMap=<name>                                  output shear Map in fits format

Running the code

Direct Kaiser and Squires, Inverse Kaiser and Squires or Direct Kaiser and Squires including inpainting (based on input parameters in Parameter file) :


E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CartesianMassMapping --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--inputShearMap=ShearMap.fits --paramFile=ParamConvergencePatch.xml

Spherical Mass Mapping Module

I) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter

The module CatalogSplitter extract a sub-catalogue from the shear catalogue according to the requirements:

  • The redshift range (redshift min and max to be considered)
  • The number of bins (in the defined redshift range)
  • A Boolean to set the galaxy repartition in the redshift bins (regular redshift bins or with an equal number of bins)
	LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter --  is used to cut out the catalogues in several subcatalogs

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path> 						              name of the working directory 
	  --inputCatalog=<name>					              input Catalog in fits/xml format
  	  --paramFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>       Input Parameter File to split input catalog
  	  --Sub_Catalogs=<name> 			                  jason/txt file name to store Sub-Catalog Names

Running the code

Split the catalogue into subcatalogues :

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_CatalogSplitter --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--paramFile=ParamsConvergenceSphere.xml --inputCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml

II) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker

The module LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker:

  • build the shear maps from the shear catalogue. It includes projection and pixelisation.
E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path> 					                	            name of the working directory 
	  --inputShearCatalog=<name>				                        input Catalog in fits/xml format
	  --sphericalParameterFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>       	Input Parameter File in XML
	  --outShearMap=<name>   				  	                        output shear Map E & B mode in fits format
	  --GalCountMap=<name>   				   	                        output Galaxy count Map which conatins number of Galaxies per pixel for eachredshift bin in XML format

Running the code

Build the shear maps from the shear catalogue:

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMapMaker --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--sphericalParameterFile=ParamConvergenceSphere.xml --inputShearCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml

III) LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping

The LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping performs the direct mass inversion using KS or KS+ methods(not implemented yet). The optional input parameters (for KS+):

  • Number of inpainting iterations
  • Number of reduced shear iterations
  • A Boolean to set B-mode constraint
  • A Boolean to force the power spectrum constraint to enforce the variance inside the gaps to be equal to the variance outside the gaps at different scales
  • Number of scales used by the power spectrum constraint
  • The width of the Gaussian filter for reduced shear iteration
  • A Boolean to add borders to the map to deal with border effects

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping

The options available (listed via the --help) are:
	  --workdir=<path> 				                      	name of the working directory 
	  --inGamma=<name>			                    	    input E/B mode Shear Map in fits(BinTable) format
	  --inKappa=<name>				                        input E/B mode Convergence Map in fits(BinTable) format
	  --paramFile=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>         Input Parameter File in XML
	  --outputKappa=<name>   				                Output convergence map E & B mode in BinTable Format
	  --outputShear=<name>   			            	    Output shear map E & B mode in BinTable Format
      --outputKappaXML=<name>                               Output XML product for Spherical convergence map

Running the code

Direct Kaiser and Squires, Inverse Kaiser and Squires or Direct Kaiser and Squires including inpainting (based on input parameters in Parameter file) :


E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_SphericalMassMapping --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--inGamma=ShearMap.fits --paramFile=ParamConvergenceSphere.xml

Spherical Mass Mapping Module

I) PeakCount

This module is supposed to build the peak catalogue.

A peak corresponds to a maximum with the four neighbours lower. This module compute peaks using two methods:

  • from Convergence map and using wavelet filters.
  • from the shear catalogue and using mass aperture filters.
PeakCount from Convergence Map and using Wavelet Filters

	LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountConvergence -- Build the peak catalogue from a convergence map
E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountConvergence

 The options available (listed via the --help) are:
   	  --workdir=<path> 				                            	name of the working directory 
	  --inputConvMap=<name>				                            input Convergence Map	
	  --paramPeakConvergence=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>      input Parameter File in XML
      --outputPConvCatalog=<name>                                   Output Peak Count Catalog in fits
	  --outputPConvCatalogXML=<name>		                    	output Peak Catalog in XML format

Running the code

Peak Catalog estimated from a convergence map :

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountConvergence --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--inputConvMap=convergenceMap.fits --paramPeakConvergence=ParamsPeakCountConvergence.xml

PeakCount from Full sky Convergence Map and using Wavelet Filters

	LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountSphere -- Build the peak catalogue from full sky convergence map
E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountSphere

 The options available (listed via the --help) are:
   	  --workdir=<path> 				                            	name of the working directory 
	  --inputConvMap=<name>				                            input Convergence Map	
	  --paramPeakConvergence=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>      input Parameter File in XML
      --outputPeakCatalog=<name>                                   Output Peak Count Catalog in fits
	  --outputPeakCatalogXML=<name>		                    	  output Peak Catalog in XML format

Running the code

Peak Catalog estimated from full sky convergence map :

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountSphere --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--inputConvMap=FullSkyConvergenceMap.fits --paramPeakConvergence=ParamsPeakCountConvergence.xml

PeakCount from Shear Catalog and using Mass Aperture Filters

	LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountShear -- Build the peak catalogue from a Shear Catalog
E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountShear

 The options available (listed via the --help) are:
 	 --workdir=<path> 				                            	name of the working directory 
	 --inputShearCatalog=<name>			                          	input shear Catalog in fits/xml format
	 --paramPeakMassAperture=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>      input Parameter File in XML
	 --paramPatchMap=<path_and_name_of_parameter_file>              input Patch Parameter File in XML
     --outputPeakMACatalog=<name>                                   Output Peak Count Catalog in fits
	 --outputPeakMACatalogXML=<name>			                    output Peak Catalog in XML format

Running the code

Peak Catalog estimated from a Shear catalog :

E-Run LE3_2D_MASS_WL_KS 2.5 LE3_2D_MASS_WL_PeakCountShear --workdir=/run/media/user/Backup_Drive/WL_Results
--inputShearCatalog=euc-test-le3-wl-InputLE2Catalog.xml --paramPatchMap=ParamConvergencePatch.xml


Euclid project (2D mass mapping Processing Function)






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