Adds to your phoenix application the ability to be a remote backend for use with i18next http backend .
Create an endpoint easily to serve your PO
translation files in json
The package can be installed
by adding i18next_backend
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:i18next_backend, git: ""}
Ensure :i18next_backend
is started alongside your application by adding this to
your mix.exs
def application do
applications: [:i18next_backend]
You can use as a plug, defining a forwarded route
scope "/", App do
forward("/locales", I18nextBackend.Plug)
In case you need to use Plug inside app namespace, you need to create a simple plug
defmodule Plugs.I18next do
@behaviour Plug
@spec init(any) :: any
def init(options), do: I18nextBackend.Plug.init(options)
@spec call(Plug.Conn.t(), any) :: Plug.Conn.t()
def call(conn, opts),
conn |>
and use it in routes instead default
scope "/", App do
forward("/locales", Plugs.I18next)
Client configuration settings example:
crossDomain: false,
overrideMimeType: false,
loadPath: "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json",
requestOptions: {
mode: "cors",
credentials: "same-origin",
cache: "default"
ns is the po
file name, used as namespace in i18next
lng is the language
let's imagine this translation file priv/gettext/en/LC_MESSAGES/default.po
msgid "test"
msgstr "this is a test string"
msgid "test2"
msgid_plural "test2_plural"
msgstr[0] "this is an empty string"
msgstr[1] "this is only one"
msgstr[2] "these are several"
msgid "interpolation"
msgstr "this is a test %{interpolation}"
You can request for the file by lang and domain (filename) to obtain the json formatted file.
GET /locales/en/default.json
"test": "this is a test string",
"interpolation": "this is a test {{ interpolation }}",
"test2": "this is only one",
"test2_plural": "these are several"