##UI Gestures and Navigation
- From discovery page, user can swipe down to reveal the map. Can also swipe up (from the white space) to go back
- From discovery page, user can swipe left to see profile page for log-out
- From discovery page, user can swipe right to see favourites page
###Spash Page (Victor)
- Load some image as the splash screen
###Login Page (Victor)
- Login with instagram and complete OAuth steps
- Retain session for logged-in user
- Turn on GPS Access Priveledges
- Background changes to settings steps if user clicked on "Cancel" for permissions
- API call to Instagram and fetch images from user location
- Create model to store data from instagram
- Optional: User can click on an image and they get details?
- Load map from SDK (ie. Mapbox)
- Get data from model and show thumbnails on the map (do we have to resize)
- Optional: Separate cells for content types (instagram, twitter, etc..)
- Optional: User can tap image and get details?
- Loads user saved locations from Parse API
- Make API call to Instagram and fetch images from user loaded locations
- Create model to store data from instagram
- Show headers for each location
- Plus sign in the navigational bar to segue to "Adding Favourites Page"
- Optional: Separate cells for content types (instagram, twitter, etc..)
- Optional: User can click on a location and get the discovery view for that location
- Optional: Right swiping on a header removes the city from your favourites
###Adding Favourites Page
- Has a search bar that makes API call to location searches (Google API)
- As user is typing, the search loads in the background
- Load list of locations in a table view
- Tap on a star button in the cell to add it to your favourites
- Get profile image and username from Instagram
- Button for user to log-out
Time spent: to be tracked