ROS node to read frames from an ip camera stream and publish to a ROS topic.
directly: python nodes/ -u
using roslaunch: roslaunch ip_camera.launch
Of course, for this to work you should add the ip_camera dir to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, so 'rospack find' can find ip_camera.
Make sure to replace the video stream ip address with the correct one in ip_camera.launch.
rostopic hz --window=1000 /ip_camera
Also included are the following 2 utilities which help with playing back video streams stored as either bag files or standard video files (.mp4, .avi, etc.):
Once either of these nodes is started, they publish images on the /camera/image_raw topic on receipt of Bool messages from the /img_processed topic. Typically these messages are generated from the node that consumes the images to signal that it is done processing a frame and is ready for the next.
For testing purposes the Bool messages can be generated using rostopic pub:
for a single message:
$ rostopic pub /img_processed std_msgs/Bool true
to produce a stream of images at a given frequency (here 2 per sec):
$ rostopic pub /img_processed std_msgs/Bool true -r 0.5