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Vivocha Appointments Scheduler technical and API documentation

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Vivocha Appointments Scheduler

Technical and API Documentation


version 3.1.3 - last update: 06/10/2022

Table of Contents


The Appointments Scheduler is a module of the Vivocha platform which allows to set and manage appointments with customers. Appointments can be both online and physical, location-based.

The Appointments Scheduler exposes a public and a private API, and also can send emails to customers in different moments: to confirm the appointment, and two reminders.

The Appointments Scheduler is based on three main entities: Calendar, Appointment Type and Appointment, as shown in the next picture.

Appointments Scheduler Main Entities
FIGURE 1 - Appointments Scheduler Main Entities and Model

This repository is structured as follows:

  • code-and-config folder contains an example of a Calendar, in JSON; the default AWS SES email templates used by the Appointments Scheduler; the Vivocha Campaign sample event-handlers, used in a demo integration, and a conversation script, used in the same demo;
  • the docs folder contains a brief documentation about the scheduler integration done for demo purposes.

Calendar and Appointment Types

The Calendar is the main entity of the Appointments Scheduler. A Calendar represents a well-defined, configured container of Appointments.

A Calendar can be linked to several Vivocha Campaigns. A Vivocha Campaign can be linked to one and only one Calendar.

Along with several basic properties, like name, timezone, language, and so on..., a Calendar has a detailed configuration, and it also defines a set of Appointment Types, which represents all the types of appointment that it is possible to book/set in the specific Calendar. For example, a Tax Consultancy Calendar could define some Appointment Types like: Private support, Company support, and so on... A Calendar can accept the booking of appointments only of the types it explicitely defines.

A Calendar can be exported and "read" by its iCalendar representation by the API. It is useful to subscribe to a particular Calendar through a Calendar App (like Apple Calendar and others...) using that clients as a refresheable view on the Calendar Appontments (see more in the dedicatet API endpoint, here).

In the current version of the Appointments Scheduler, a Calendar has the following properties:

_id string the Calendar Id
acct_id string Vivocha Account Id to which the calendar belongs
name string The name of the Calendar
description (optional) string free text description
company (optional) string The name of the company that will be also exported in the iCal format and eventually used in the emails sent to the customers. Default is Vivocha
timezone string Timezone string in IANA format, like Europe/Rome
language (optional) string Calendar language string, like en, it, fr. Default is en
media string Calendar starting media, like chat (currently not used)
appointmentTypes array of AppointmentType objects the appointment types that can be set in the specific Calendar, see dedicated section below
configuration object the Calendar Configuration, see section below

Calendar Configuration

Current version provides a static configuration of the Calendar. Calendar Configuration properties follow:

availabilityHours (optional) object defines the general availability (when an appointment can be set) days and hours of the Calendar, including exceptions (when an appointment can't be set). An AppointmentType can add its own availability exceptions. Availability Hours are in the same format as the Vivocha Campaign's Opening Hours. To include a whole day interval, simply exclude the hours property from the interval. However this practice is not recommended, it's a good practice, and a more effective way to set availability hours, specifying the precise range of hours that are really useful, depending on the business case; for example: 9-18, 8-17, and so on... A detailed description of the Opening Hours format can be found in the dedicated section of this document.
maxConcurrentAppointments (optional) number, integer the maximum number of concurrent appointments that can be set in this calendar. Appointment Types can decrease the max concurrent number for a particular type of appointment
tags (optional) array of string Calendar tags (currently not used)
exclusiveAgents (optional) array of string a list of Vivocha Agents Ids (currently not used)
email (optional) object configuration object for the emails to send to customers, see below in this section
webTemplates (optional) object strings to be shown to customers on a browser, for example when it cancels an appointment by a link in an email. Strings are set by language code. See below in the next sections
landingPageUrl (optional) string the URL of the page to redirect customers to join the online appointment

Email Configuration

The Appointments scheduler sends some emails to the customers involved in appointments. Emails are sent in different moments:

  • when the appointment is created and set, with links to download an iCal file and to cancel the appointment
  • one hour before the appointment, as a reminder, with the option to cancel the appointment
  • ten minutes before the appointment, as a reminder, with the option to cancel the appointment and, only in case of an online appointment type, a link to join the appointment with an agent at the set date/hour.
  • moreover, an email is also sent if the customer cancels the appointment at any moment. In that case, reminders will not be sent anymore.

The Appointments Scheduler uses AWS SES service to send the required emails, and they are based on templates (find more here). Thus, it is necessary, as a first step, to upload all the required custom AWS SES templates before configuring a Calendar, otherwise the Vivocha default templates will be automatically used to compose emails.

The Calendar Email configuration is based on the following properties:

senderAddress string Email address to use as sender. It MUST be previously verified by AWS SES before configuring it
ccAddresses (optional) array of strings A list of email addresses to send emails in Cc
bccAddresses (optional) array of strings A list of email addresses to also send emails in Bcc
template (optional) object Email templates configuration. It is an object that can have two properties named online or external. These properties are of type object, and they are intended to contain the email templates configuration for the particular appointment macro-type. The referenced object has two main properties: 1) templateName, mandatory, is an object with the following properties (all optional): customerNewAppointment, customerCancelAppointment, agentNewAppointment (currently not used), agentCancelAppointment (currently not used), customerRemindAppointment, customerLandingRemindAppointment, agentRemindAppointment (currently not used). Each of these properties are object with a language string as a key (e.g., en, it), and a corresponding registered AWS SES template name. If a template is not configured for a given calendar language, then english is used. 2) templateData (optional), an object representing the data to be sent in emails and must match the data keys referenced by AWS SES registered templates (currently not used).

An example of email configuration, referencing the default email templates provided by Vivocha, can be the following:

 "email" : {
    "senderAddress" : "[email protected]",
    "template" : {
        "online" : {
            "templateName" : {
                "customerNewAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "VivochaDefaultTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "VivochaDefaultTemplateIT"
                "customerCancelAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "VivochaDefaultCancelledTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "VivochaDefaultCancelledTemplateIT"
                "customerRemindAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "VivochaDefaultCustRemindTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "VivochaDefaultCustRemindTemplateIT"
                "customerLandingRemindAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "VivochaDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "VivochaDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateIT"
        "external" : {
            "templateName" : {
                "customerNewAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "ExternalDefaultTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "ExternalDefaultTemplateIT"
                "customerCancelAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "ExternalDefaultCancelledTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "ExternalDefaultCancelledTemplateIT"
                "customerRemindAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "ExternalDefaultCustRemindTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "ExternalDefaultCustRemindTemplateIT"
                "customerLandingRemindAppointment" : {
                    "en" : "ExternalDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateEN",
                    "it" : "ExternalDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateIT"

In the previous example, the configuration references the real default template names already loaded and available in AWS SES, for english and italian languages.

Web Templates

Web templates are the messages to be shown to the customer a the result of some actions. Currently, only the (optional) appointmentCancelled and appointmentAlreadyCancelled are supported, and they are rendered in the browser when the customer cancels the appointment by selecting the related link/button in a received email. if templates are not configured for a specific language, then english is used. Subproperties keys are the language code, as in the following, default, example:

"webTemplates" : {
    "appointmentCancelled" : {
        "en" : "Your appointment has been successfully cancelled. You will receive a confirmation email very soon. Thank you.",
        "it" : "Il tuo appuntamento è stato cancellato, riceverai una email di conferma al più presto. Grazie."
    "appointmentAlreadyCancelled": {
      "en": "Appointment already cancelled or completed.",
      "it": "Appuntamento giĂ  cancellato o completato."

Appointment Types

An Appointment Type is the definition of a type of an appointment that can be set in a specific Calendar. Basically, the current version supports the definition of two macro-types: appointments of online type, and of external type. The former is an online appointment, e.g., to happen through the Vivocha platform; the latter is a de visu, location-based appointment.

An Appointment Type defines several properties, summarized by the next table:

name string the name of the type, MUST BE unique in the context of the same Calendar, it is used as its id
type string macro-type, admitted values are: online and external
description (optional) string a free text description
image (optional) string URL of an image to associate to the appointment type
color (optional) string Hex number string of the color to associate to the appointment type
timezone (optional) string Timezone in IANA format for the specific Appointment Type, if not specified it will be used the one defined globally in the Calendar
duration number, integer the duration of the appointment, in minutes
paddingBefore (optional) number, integer extra time to take into consideration before the starting date-time of the appointment, in minutes (currently not used)
paddingAfter (optional) number, integer extra time to take into consideration after the end date-time of the appointment, in minutes. If set, the duration of the appointment will be the same, but the allocated time slot will be duration + paddingAfter
ignorePaddingOnLastSlot (optional) boolean do not use paddingAfter on the last slot of the day in availability computing. Default is false; in other words, by default the paddingAfter value (if set) is also added to the last slot of the day when slots availability computing is performed. This could result in excluding that slot if duration + paddingAfter generates a slot which exceedes the service closing hour in that day.
validity (optional) object validity represents the interval of time when an appointment joining/landing can be considered valid before considering the customer in late or too early. The validity object has the following optional two properties: before and after, both numbers, expressed in minutes. Default value is 3 minutes for both properties.
isActive (optional) boolean an Appointment type can be deactivated (currently not used)
availabilityHours (optional) object like the Calendar's availability hours but only exceptions can be configured in an Appointment Type. It can be used to restrict the availabilities for the particular type. E.g. to configure to not accept appointments of the specific type on Mondays, or on every afternoon. A detailed description of the Opening Hours format can be found in the dedicated section of this document.
maxConcurrentAppointments number, integer the maximum number of concurrent appointments that can be set for the specific Appointment Type. If the maxConcurrentAppointments is already set at Calendar-level, then this property can be used only to narrow that value (and not to increase it). E.g., if Calendar maxConcurrentAppointments property is set to 10, the Appointment Type can specify a smaller value and not a bigger one. In any case, the smaller of the two will be finally used.
settings (optional) object settings object, depending on the appointment macro-type, Online or External, read more below in this section

Appointment Type Settings

In case of an Appointment Type of online type, settings are the following:

tags (optional) array of strings an array of tags (currently not used)
exclusiveAgents (optional) array of strings an array of exclusive agents Ids (currently not used)
emailConfig (optional) an object Email configuration for the particular Appointment Type. If specified, it overrides the Calendar email configuration. Likewise the Calendar Email Configuration, it is an object with the following properties: senderAddress, ccAddresses (optional), bccAddresses (optional) and template (optional). If template property is specified, then it is an object that can have two main properties: 1) templateName, mandatory, is an object with the following properties (all optional): customerNewAppointment, customerCancelAppointment, agentNewAppointment (currently not used), agentCancelAppointment (currently not used), customerRemindAppointment, customerLandingRemindAppointment, agentRemindAppointment (currently not used). Each of these properties are object with a language string as a key (e.g., en, it), and a corresponding registered AWS SES template name. If a template is not configured for a given calendar language, then english is used. 2) templateData (optional), an object representing the data to be sent in emails and must match the data keys referenced by AWS SES registered templates (currently not used).
landingPageUrl (optional) string URL of the appointment landing/joining page for customers, if specified it overrides that specific property in Calendar configuration
actionHandlers (optional) object the properties of this configuration objects represents URL of external endpoints that, if set, the Vivocha Appointments Scheduler will call in HTTP POST for every step in the Appointment lifecycle, to eventually notify an external system. Properties are (all optional): setupURL, URL string to call in POST when an external Appointment is created; cancelURL: the URL to call in POST when a customer cancels an Appointment; rescheduleURL, the URL to call when an appointment is re-scheduled (currently not used)

In case of an Appointment Type of external type, settings are the following, instead:

tags (optional) array of strings an array of tags (currently not used)
exclusiveAgents (optional) array of strings an array of exclusive agents Ids (currently not used)
emailConfig (optional) an object Email configuration for the particular Appointment Type. If specified, it overrides the Calendar email configuration. Likewise the Calendar Email Configuration, it is an object with the following properties: senderAddress, ccAddresses (optional), bccAddresses (optional) and template (optional). If template property is specified, then it is an object that can have two main properties: 1) templateName, mandatory, is an object with the following properties (all optional): customerNewAppointment, customerCancelAppointment, agentNewAppointment (currently not used), agentCancelAppointment (currently not used), customerRemindAppointment, customerLandingRemindAppointment, agentRemindAppointment (currently not used). Each of these properties are object with a language string as a key (e.g., en, it), and a corresponding registered AWS SES template name. 2) templateData (optional), an object representing the data to be sent in emails and must match the data keys referenced by AWS SES registered templates (currently not used).
location (optional) object Appointment location data, read more below in this section
actionHandlers (optional) object the properties of this configuration objects represents URL of external endpoints that, if set, the Vivocha Appointments Scheduler will call in HTTP POST for every step in the Appointment lifecycle, to eventually notify an external system. Properties are (all optional): setupURL, URL string to call in POST when an external Appointment is created; cancelURL: the URL to call in POST when a customer cancels an Appointment; rescheduleURL, the URL to call when an appointment is re-scheduled (currently not used)

About Action Handlers: If set, the Appointments Scheduler calls the configured URLs corresponding to some of the steps in the Appointment lifecycle. It does it in the following way:

  • doing a HTTP POST to configured URL
  • with JSON body:
    • on appointment creation: { event: 'new', id: <appointment__id>, code: <appointment_code>, type: <appointment_type>, timezone: <appointment_timezone || calendar_timezone || 'Europe/Rome', calendarId: <appointment_calendarId>, fromDate: <UTC-ISO 8601 start date-time>, toDate: <UTC-ISO 8601 end date-time> };
    • on appointment cancelling: { event: 'cancel', id: <appointment__id>, code: <appointment_code>, type: <appointment_type>, timezone: <appointment_timezone || calendar_timezone || 'Europe/Rome', calendarId: <appointment_calendarId>, fromDate: <UTC-ISO 8601 start date-time>, toDate: <UTC-ISO 8601 end date-time> }.
Appointment Location Settings

Being an external appointment based on a physical location or place, the Appointment Type location setting defines the properties in the next table. In this case, location data is also used in emails sent to customers.

name string name of the place / location
latitude (optional) number latitude
longitude (optional) number longitude
googlePlaceId (optional) string Google Place Id, if set it will be used instead of address in the Vivocha default emails
countryCode (optional) string country code
countryName (optional) string name of the country
region (optional) string region name
address string address of the place
city string city name


An Appointment represents a "meeting" between an agent and a customer. In case of an online Appointment Type, that meeting is by an "online" landing. When the Appointment types is external, then it refers to a physical "de visu" meeting in a well defined place/location. Once created and set, an Appointment has the following properties:

_id string unique id of the appointment
acct_id string Vivocha account id
type string Appointment Type name, on the the Appointment Types' name defined in a Calendar
calendarId string Id of the Calendar which the appointment belongs to
campaignId (optional) string Id of the Campaign through which the appointment has been created and set
conversationId (optional) string id of the conversation through which the appointment has been created and set
summary string summary of the appointment
description (optional) string free text
timezone (optional) string IANA timezone of the created appointment
fromDate Date Starting UTC Date Time of the appointment
toDate Date Ending UTC Date Time of the appointment (fromDate + duration)
duration (optional) integer number duration of the appointment, in minutes
code string unique, generated Appointment Code
context object Appointment context data, it depends on the macro-type: online or external. Read more below in this section
state (optional) object object representing the current state of the appointment. See Appointment State section below
ts string Appointment creation Date Time in ISO-8601 format, UTC

Appointment Context

The Appointment context is an object with different properties depending on the macro-type.

An Online Appointment Context has the following properties:

type string type of the appointment, set to online
contactId (optional) string Id of the contact created (if created) for the Appointment (currently not used)
tags (optional) array of strings a list of tags (currently not used)
exclusiveAgents (optional) array of strings a list of exclusiveAgents (currently not used)
data object a set of collected data, including (optional) name of the customer and mandatory email address. It should be included other collected data (for example from a data collection), with string property keys

An External Appointment Context has the following properties:

type string type of the appointment, set to external
data object a set of collected data, including (optional) name of the customer and mandatory email address. It should be included other collected data (for example from a data collection), with string property keys
location (optional) object Appointment Location object, as defined in Appointment Type

Appointment Data Encryption

The Appointments Scheduler automatically encrypts all the appointments context data, which may contain sensitive data. Only the appointment property is encrypted before storing it, and it is automatically decrypted when accessed, for example by calling an API endpoint.

Appointment State

After an Appointment has been created and set, it has a set of properties that represents its current state.

ongoing (optional) boolean true, if it is an ongoing appointment
complete (optional) boolean true, if it is a completed appointment
agentMissed (optional) boolean true, if the agent missed the appointment (currently not used)
customerMissed (optional) boolean true, if the customer missed the appointment, in other words she/he was in late (currently not used)
expired (optional) boolean true, if the appointment is not valid anymore (currently not used)
cancelled (optional) object an object that gives info in case the appointment has been cancelled. Its properties are by, string among customer, agent, or script, who cancelled the appointment; optional id, agent or customer id that cancelled the appointment; optional ts: timestamp about when the appointment was cancelled
rescheduled (optional) object (currently not used) an object that gives info in case the appointment has been rescheduled. Its properties are by, string among customer, agent, or script, who rescheduled the appointment; optional id, agent or customer id that rescheduled the appointment; optional ts: timestamp about when the appointment was rescheduled
scheduledEvents (optional) array of strings a list of events id scheduled for this appointment. For example: id of the events related to emails to be sent


The Appointments Scheduler API is divided into two sets: the Calendar API and the Appointment API, which in turn contain the private endpoints and the public endpoints.

IMPORTANT: ALL dates in API call responses are UTC based and in a valid date-time ISO 8601 format. ALL dates in API requests MUST BE UTC based and in ISO 8601 format, always. > IMPORTANT: requests that require a JSON body, must set the HTTP request header Content-Type: application/json

Some API endpoints have limitations (i.e., listing endpoints) on the number of returned resources. Where explicitely written, then you must use pagination to retrieve all the resources you need.

The API endpoints return standard HTTP status codes and, in some cases, a JSON body in case of error.

RQL Queries

The API endpoints that explicitely support RQL queries, expose the following URL query parameter:

q: string, a Resource Query Language (RQL) command in string format. Included to execute a query following the RQL specification. The RQL query string MUST be URI encoded and must follow the RQL specification.

For example:

?q=eq(name,appointment%20one): return a list of appointments with name equal to appointment one

?q=matches(name,one): return a list of appointments where the name contains the word one, used here as a regular expression.


The API endpoints that explicitely support pagination (like listing operations, usually), expose what follows:

Pagination URL Query Parameters

limit: integer number to limit the number of results to return. Default limit is now set to 50;

skip: integer, the number of elements to skip in the returned list of results; used with the limit parameter it allows to paginate the results. The response HTTP headers below return info about pagination.



Pagination HTTP Response Headers

Results-Matching: the total number of elements matching the query (as if no limit is set);

Results-Skipped: the number of skipped elements resulting from applying the skip parameter value;

Link: the direct API endpoint URL to get the "next page" of elements.

CSV Format

Some API endpoints allows to list resources (like Calendars and Appointments) using the CSV format, instead of JSON. The endpoints that explicitely support CSV export, sport the following URL query parameter.

CSV URL Query Parameters

format=csv: this query parameter enables the export in CSV format, its value is always set to csv and MUST BE used in conjunction with the csv_fields parameter;

csv_fields: mandatory for CSV format, it is an array of resource fields to include in the csv. Please note that object type properties cannot be displayed. Use . to include their single property fields. E.g.: csv_fields=summary,code,context.type;

csv_names: CSV custom field names, an array to modify the names of the exported csv fields;

csv_options: an array of options. The available csv options are the following:

  • unwind: unwind array field with specified name. E.g., unwind=anArrayField
  • separator: field separator character (default: ","). E.g., separator=;
  • decimal: decimal separator character (default: "."). E.g., decimal=,
  • eol: End-of-line character sequence
  • dateFormat: Format date according to pattern (see this doc for details)
  • timezone: Format times according to timezone (e.g. Europe/Rome)
  • header: boolean, include header with field names
  • quotes: boolean, quote all values
  • filename: strng, download as filename. E.g., filename=appointments.csv.

Example of a query string containing an export in csv:

?format=csv&csv_fields=code,summary,context.type&csv_names=Code,Summary,Context Type&csv_options=header=true,separator=;,filename=appointments.csv

Another example of a query string containing an export in csv specifying state.cancelled object properties:

?format=csv&csv_fields=code,summary,context.type,,state.cancelled.ts&csv_names=Code,Summary,Context Type,Cancelled by,Cancelled at&csv_options=header=true,separator=;,filename=appointments.csv

IMPORTANT: if an optional property is not included in the appointment record, then its field value in the csv file will result as an empty cell in the csv column.

Calendar API

The Calendar API allows to manage Calendars and perform actions on them.

Private endpoints are authenticated.

Base URL for private endpoints: https://{vivocha-world}{account}/api/v3

Base URL for public endpoints: https://{vivocha-world}{account}/api/v3/public

All API endpoints accept JSON bodies, when applicable. Most of them return responses in JSON format, when applicable and where not explicitely documented. Full, parsable, API documentation is always available in OpenAPI 3.x format at URLs:



IMPORTANT: all dates in API call responses are UTC based and in a valid date-time ISO 8601 format. All dates in API requests MUST BE UTC based and in ISO 8601 format, always. >IMPORTANT: requests that require a JSON body, must set the HTTP request header Content-Type: application/json

Calendar Private Endpoints

GET /calendars

Get a list of Calendars.

This endpoint also supports RQL Queries, Pagination and CSV export URL query parameters.

POST /calendars

Create a new Calendar.

Example of JSON body:

  "name": "New ABC Bank Calendar",
  "description": "New ABC Bank Calendar test",
  "media": "chat",
  "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
  "language": "en",
  "company": "New ABC National Bank",
  "configuration": {
    "maxConcurrentAppointments": 8,
    "availabilityHours": {
      "intervals": [
          "dayOfWeek": {
            "from": 1,
            "to": 5
          "hours": {
            "from": 9,
            "to": 17
          "dayOfMonth": {
            "from": 28,
            "to": 28
          "month": {
            "from": 5,
            "to": 5
          "year": {
            "from": 2021,
            "to": 2021
          "hours": {
            "from": 9,
            "to": 17
          "minutes": {
            "from": 15
      "exceptions": [
          "dayOfMonth": {
            "from": 12,
            "to": 13
          "month": {
            "from": 5,
            "to": 5
          "year": {
            "from": 2021,
            "to": 2021
          "dayOfMonth": {
            "from": 16,
            "to": 16
          "month": {
            "from": 5,
            "to": 5
          "year": {
            "from": 2021,
            "to": 2021
          "hours": {
            "from": 9,
            "to": 13
          "dayOfMonth": {
            "from": 26,
            "to": 26
          "month": {
            "from": 5,
            "to": 5
          "year": {
            "from": 2021,
            "to": 2021
          "hours": {
            "from": 9,
            "to": 13
          "dayOfMonth": {
            "from": 27,
            "to": 27
          "month": {
            "from": 5,
            "to": 5
          "year": {
            "from": 2021,
            "to": 2021
    "email": {
      "senderAddress": "[email protected]",
      "template": {
        "online": {
          "templateName": {
            "customerNewAppointment": {
              "en": "VivochaDefaultTemplateEN",
              "it": "VivochaDefaultTemplateIT"
            "customerCancelAppointment": {
              "en": "VivochaDefaultCancelledTemplateEN",
              "it": "VivochaDefaultCancelledTemplateIT"
            "customerRemindAppointment": {
              "en": "VivochaDefaultCustRemindTemplateEN",
              "it": "VivochaDefaultCustRemindTemplateIT"
            "customerLandingRemindAppointment": {
              "en": "VivochaDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateEN",
              "it": "VivochaDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateIT"
        "external": {
          "templateName": {
            "customerNewAppointment": {
              "en": "ExternalDefaultTemplateEN",
              "it": "ExternalDefaultTemplateIT"
            "customerCancelAppointment": {
              "en": "ExternalDefaultCancelledTemplateEN",
              "it": "ExternalDefaultCancelledTemplateIT"
            "customerRemindAppointment": {
              "en": "ExternalDefaultCustRemindTemplateEN",
              "it": "ExternalDefaultCustRemindTemplateIT"
            "customerLandingRemindAppointment": {
              "en": "ExternalDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateEN",
              "it": "ExternalDefaultCustLandingRemindTemplateIT"
    "webTemplates": {
      "appointmentCancelled": {
        "en": "Your appointment has been successfully cancelled. You will receive a confirmation email very soon. Thank you.",
        "it": "Il tuo appuntamento è stato cancellato, riceverai una email di conferma al più presto. Grazie."
      "appointmentAlreadyCancelled": {
        "en": "Appointment already cancelled or completed.",
        "it": "Appuntamento giĂ  cancellato o completato."
    "landingPageUrl": ""
  "appointmentTypes": [
      "name": "Accounting",
      "type": "online",
      "description": "Account services",
      "color": "#4287f5",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 30,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 2
      "name": "Money Transfer",
      "type": "online",
      "description": "Payments services",
      "color": "#f57960",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 40,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 3
      "name": "Loans",
      "type": "online",
      "description": "Loans info",
      "color": "#098765",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 120,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 2,
      "availabilityHours": {
        "exceptions": [
            "dayOfWeek": {
              "from": 1,
              "to": 1
      "name": "Credit Cards",
      "type": "online",
      "description": "Credit and Debit cards",
      "color": "#098765",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 120,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 2,
      "availabilityHours": {
        "exceptions": [
            "dayOfWeek": {
              "from": 1,
              "to": 1
      "name": "Milan Offices",
      "type": "external",
      "description": "External Service MI",
      "color": "#098765",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 60,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 4,
      "availabilityHours": {
        "exceptions": [
            "dayOfWeek": {
              "from": 5,
              "to": 5
      "settings": {
        "location": {
          "name": "Covisian HQ Milano",
          "latitude": 45.5004000552936,
          "longitude": 9.2284390454376,
          "address": "Via Valtorta, 45, 20127",
          "city": "Milano (MI)"
      "name": "Turin Offices",
      "type": "external",
      "description": "External Service Covisian TO",
      "color": "#098765",
      "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
      "duration": 60,
      "paddingAfter": 5,
      "isActive": true,
      "maxConcurrentAppointments": 1,
      "availabilityHours": {
        "exceptions": [
            "dayOfWeek": {
              "from": 2,
              "to": 2
      "settings": {
        "location": {
          "name": "Covisian Torino",
          "latitude": 45.1099096165107,
          "longitude": 7.67131732714931,
          "address": "Via Paolo Veronese, 250, 10148",
          "city": "Torino (TO)"
  "enabled": true

GET /calendars/{id}

Get a specific Calendar in JSON.

If format query parameter is used and set to ical, then the Calendar will be returned in iCalendar format, including the not already completed appointments set in the specified dates interval.

Available query parameters are:

format=ical: if specified return the Calendar in iCal format. In that case use the from and to parameters to specify a time range to include appointments set in; or, offsetPast and offsetFuture query params can be used as day-based offsets to specify the range. For example offsetFuture can replace the to parameter and can be used with from to set a range of days. If only offsetFuture and offsetPast are defined, then the range starts from now - offsetPast until now + offsetFuture, expressed in days. Remember: from, to, offsetPast and offsetFuture query params cannot be used all together;

from: UTC ISO 8601 date string to include appointments set starting from that date;

to: UTC ISO 8601 date string to including appointments set before that date;

offsetPast: positive integer, number of days to subtract to the from param as the start date to get the Calendar events. If from is not specified then days will be subtracted to the current now date and hour. Used only when format=ical;

offsetFuture: positive integer, number of days to add to the from param as the end date to which get the Calendar events. If from is not specified then days will be added to the current now date and hour. Cannot be used with the to parameter. Used only when format=ical;

padding: optional, if set to true, include padding in events total duration in the returned iCalendar format; total duration of the event will be event duration + padding. This parameter takes effect only when format parameter is set to ical. If set to false or not specified, then the event doesn't include the padding in the iCalendar format

PUT /calendars/{id}

Edit/update a Calendar. Body must be a full Calendar JSON, like in POST (create) request.

PATCH /calendars/{id}

Update single properties of a Calendar.

IMPORTANT: doing a PATCH to an entire property of object type is NOT recommended and in some cases is NOT permitted.

Example of a body request:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/name",
    "value": "PATCHED TEST CREATE Calendar"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/description",
    "value": "PATCHED TEST CREATE Calendar description"

Another example, referencing an array item (an Appointment Type to change the paddingAfter property value, in this case):

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/appointmentTypes/0/paddingAfter",
    "value": 10

DELETE /calendars/{id}

Delete a Calendar.

GET /calendars/{id}/actions/get-ical-url

Return an object containing the Calendar complete URL endpoint to be used to download it in iCalendar format, or to be used to subscribe to the Calendar by a Calendar application client. The returned URL contains a token parameter already set.

This endpoint DOES NOT accept any query parameter and it returns a JSON like the following:

  "url": ""

GET /calendars/{id}/actions/is-slot-available?appointmentType=<appointment-type-name>&startDate=<UTC-start-date>

Returns an object containing a isAvailable boolean property. It is true if the specified slot start date for a given appointment type is available; false otherwise.

The is-slot-available algorithm takes into consideration the appointment type and the start date of the slot to be checked.

Mandatory query params are the following:

appointmentType: the Appointment Type name, as defined in the Calendar, to check if the slot is available;

startDate: the date to to check if the slot is available. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format; startDate can't be a date-time in the past. If the provided ISO 8601 date string refers to a date in the past then UTC now date is used as start date, automatically.

This endpoint returns a JSON like the following:

  "isAvailable": true


The following endpoint allows to know the available slots in a Calendar, given an Appointment Type. The availabilities algorithm takes into consideration the already scheduled appointments, the appointment type, dates, days and configured availability hours.

The current version the availabilities algorithm works as follows:

  • the starting date is the specified one, if it is in the present or future; otherwise, if it is in the past, then UTC now is automatically used, instead;
  • the minimum days of calculation is 1;
  • the maximum days of calculation is 15;
  • if starting date refers to the current (now) date and hour, if minutes are > 0, then it starts from the same day, next hour;
  • it partitions the day in slots having the same height, equal to the appointment duration (+ padding after value, if specified);
  • finally, it excludes the slots which already have the relative maximum number of concurrent appointments, or they don't satisfy the availabilityHours; if a slot is rejected, next processed slot will be the one after previous slot's start date + duration + (padding after, if set);
  • valid, resulting, available slots are returned for the number of specified days.
GET /calendars/{id}/availabilities?appointmentType=<appointment-type-name>&startDate=<UTC-start-date>&days=<days>

Get a JSON object with availabilities.

Mandatory query params are the following:

appointmentType: the Appointment Type name, as defined in the Calendar, to get availaibilities for;

startDate: the date to start computing availabilities from. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format; startDate can't be a date-time in the past. If the provided ISO 8601 date string refers to a date in the past then UTC now date is used as start date, automatically;

days: the number of days, including the day in startDate param, to include in availabilities computing; Allowed maximum number of days is 15 per API call. If you need to compute the availabilities for more than consecutive 15 days, then change startDate and days params accordingly, to do a sort of availabilities "pagination".

The endpoint returns an array of available time slots that can be used to create an Appointment of the specified type.

Following, an example of request:

GET https://{world}{calendarId}/availabilities?appointmentType=Service%20VVC-A&startDate=2021-05-08T07:00Z&days=3

And an example of response:

    "from": "2021-05-10T07:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T07:30:00.000Z"
    "from": "2021-05-10T07:30:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T08:00:00.000Z"
    "from": "2021-05-10T08:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T08:30:00.000Z"


    "from": "2021-05-10T11:30:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T12:00:00.000Z"
    "from": "2021-05-10T12:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T12:30:00.000Z"
    "from": "2021-05-10T12:30:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T13:00:00.000Z"


    "from": "2021-05-10T14:30:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-10T15:00:00.000Z"
    "from": "2021-05-11T07:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-05-11T07:30:00.000Z"

If the specified appointmentType parameter refers to an Appointment Type which has the paddingAfter property set, then the returned availabilities slots include also the paddingAfter property, like in the following example:

    "from": "2021-06-24T14:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-06-24T14:30:00.000Z",
    "paddingAfter": 10
    "from": "2021-06-25T07:00:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-06-25T07:30:00.000Z",
    "paddingAfter": 10
    "from": "2021-06-25T07:40:00.000Z",
    "to": "2021-06-25T08:10:00.000Z",
    "paddingAfter": 10


Get Appointments

Retrieve a list of JSON appointments set in the referenced Calendar.

GET /calendars/{id}/appointments[?fromDate=<start-date>&toDate=<end-date>&complete=<boolean>]

Return a list of appointments. The available, optional, query params are the following:

fromDate: UTC, ISO 8601 date string to start from in retrieving appointments; Default will be UTC now (at time of the call);

toDate: UTC, ISO 8601 date string to end retrieving appointments; Appointments set over this date are excluded from the listing;

complete: include also already completed appointments; Default is false, it returns only not yet completed ones.

This endpoint also supports RQL Queries, Pagination and CSV export URL query parameters.

Calendar Public Endpoints

GET /calendars/{id}?format=ical

Get a Calendar in iCalendar format, only.

This endpoint requires a valid token parameter. To get the endopoint URL with a valid token, it must be called the /calendars/{id}/actions/get-ical-url API endpoint (see Calendar API Private Endpoints).

Available query parameters are:

format=ical: mandatory, and it must be set to ical. Use the from and to parameters to specify a time range to include appointments set in; or, offsetPast and offsetFuture query params can be used as day-based offsets to specify the range. For example offsetFuture can replace the to parameter and can be used with from to set a range of days. If only offsetFuture and offsetPast are defined, then the range starts from now - offsetPast until now + offsetFuture, expressed in days. Remember: from, to, offsetPast and offsetFuture query params cannot be used all together;

token: mandatory, authorization token, call the /calendars/{id}/actions/get-ical-url API endpoint to obtain it, along with the complete Calendar URL to call (see Calendar API Private Endpoints);

from: optional, UTC ISO 8601 date string to include appointments set starting from that date; if parameter isn't provided, then UTC now is used;

to: optional, UTC ISO 8601 date string to including appointments set before that date; if parameter isn't provided, to is computed as from + 1 month;

offsetPast: optional, positive integer. The number of days to subtract to the from param as the start date to get the Calendar events. If from is not specified then days will be subtracted to the current now date and hour. Used only when format=ical;

offsetFuture: optional, positive integer. The number of days to add to the from param as the end date to which get the Calendar events. If from is not specified then days will be added to the current now date and hour. Cannot be used with the to parameter. Used only when format=ical;

padding: optional, if set to true, include padding in events total duration in the returned iCalendar format; total duration of the event will be event duration + padding. If set to false or not specified, then the event doesn't include the padding in the iCalendar format;

complete: optional, if set to true, include also already completed appointments in the returned iCalendar. If set to false or not specified, then already completed appointments are not included.

IMPORTANT: Use of iCalendar web clients is not recommended as they have a non-configurable refresh rate, set in many cases to 12-24h, which is not a suitable scenario to be always updated about the appointments. Please, use a non-web client app for better user experience.

Appointment API

The Appointment API allows to manage Appointments and actions on them. Private endpoints are authenticated.

Base URL for private endpoints: https://{vivocha-world}{account}/api/v3

Base URL for public endpoints: https://{vivocha-world}{account}/api/v3/public

All API endpoints accept JSON bodies, when applicable. Most of them return responses in JSON format, when applicable and where not explicitely documented. Full, parsable, API documentation is always available in OpenAPI 3.x format at URLs:



IMPORTANT: all dates in API call responses are UTC based and in a valid date-time ISO 8601 format. All dates in API requests MUST BE UTC based and in ISO 8601 format, always. >IMPORTANT: API requests that require a JSON body, must set the HTTP request header Content-Type: application/json

Appointment Private Endpoints

GET /appointments

Returns a paginated list of appointments related to the specified account.

This endpoint also supports RQL Queries, Pagination and CSV export URL query parameters.

POST /appointments[?sendEmails=true|false]

Create a new Appointment.

The available, optional, query parameter is the following:

sendEmails: to send or not the emails to the customer about the new appointment. Admitted values are true and false. Default is true, emails are sent.

To create an Appointment the JSON body MUST include the following properties:

type string name of the Appointment Type, as defined in the referenced Calendar
calendarId string id of the referenced Calendar
campaignId (optional) string id of the current Vivocha Campaign
conversationId (optional) string id of the conversation
summary string Appointment summary
description string Appointment description, free text
fromDate string Appointment start date based on UTC and in ISO 8601 format
timezone (optional) string IANA Timezone
context object Appointment Context, different in case it is under creation a Online or an External Appointment. See Appointment Context section above in this document

Examples of create an Appointment JSON body contents follows.

JSON body to create a new online appointment
  "calendarId": "609...6dd",
  "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
  "fromDate": "2021-05-10T11:00Z",
  "summary": "A Vivocha Appointment",
  "description": "A user reports a bricked computer after an update",
  "type": "Service VVC-A",
  "context": {
    "type": "online",
    "data": {
      "name": "Antonio Rossi",
      "email": "[email protected]"
JSON body to create a new External appointment
  "calendarId": "60914a...48b6dd",
  "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
  "fromDate": "2021-05-13T11:00Z",
  "summary": "Documentation Delivery",
  "description": "An external appointment",
  "type": "Service Ext-MI",
  "context": {
    "type": "external",
    "data": {
      "name": "Antonio Rossi",
      "email": "[email protected]"

PATCH /appointments/{id}

Update specific properties of an Appointment.

IMPORTANT: doing a PATCH to an entire property of object type (e.g., context or state) is NOT recommended and in some cases is NOT permitted.

JSON body to patch an appointment
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/context/data",
    "value": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "name": "test patch 5",
      "company": "Super Company",
      "team": "dev team",
      "microteam": "dev"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/summary",
    "value": "An edited appoiintment"

GET /appointments/{id}

Get an appointment.

DELETE /appointments/{id}[?sendEmails=true|false]

Cancel and delete an Appointment.

The available, optional, query parameter is the following:

sendEmails: to send or not the emails to the customer about the cancelled appointment. Admitted values are true and false. Default is true, emails are sent.

POST /appointments/{id}/actions/cancel[?sendEmails=true|false]

Cancel an Appointment. The available, optional, query parameter is the following:

sendEmails: to send or not the emails to the customer about the cancelled appointment. Admitted values are true and false. Default is true, emails are sent.

Appointment Public Endpoints

The following endpoints are intended to be sent and used by email to the customer.

These endpoints always require a query param named token, which must be set with the token generated by Vivocha, included in emails, for example.

DELETE /appointments/{id}

Cancel an Appointment.

GET /appointments/{id}/actions/cancel

Cancel an Appointment.

GET /appointments/{id}/actions/complete

Complete an Appointment.

GET /appointments/{id}/actions/ical

Get an Appointment in iCal format.

GET /appointments/{id}/actions/landing

Land to/join an Appointment.

GET /appointments/{id}/actions/check-status

Return the status for an Appointment for a user joining it. The status is checked against the current time of the call and it returns a status according to user's early, ok, or late compared to the start/end date of the Appointment + configured validities.

It returns an object like the following:

  "res": "<status>"

where status is a string that can be one of the following values: OK, EARLY, LATE, CANCELLED, or COMPLETE.

Stats API

The Stats API allows to get statistics about Appointments and Calendars.

Only private endpoints are available. These endpoints are authenticated.

Base URL for private endpoints: https://{vivocha-world}{account}/api/v3

All API endpoints accept JSON bodies, when applicable. Most of them return responses in JSON format, when applicable and where not explicitely documented. Full, parsable, API documentation is always available in OpenAPI 3.x format at URLs:


IMPORTANT: all dates in API call responses are UTC based and in a valid date-time ISO 8601 format. All dates in API requests MUST BE UTC based and in ISO 8601 format, always. > IMPORTANT: requests that require a JSON body, must set the HTTP request header Content-Type: application/json

Stats Private Endpoints

GET /appointments-stats/general

Without any query param it returns general stats for all the Appointments taken by a specified account. Available query params are the following:

fromDate: optional, the Appointment slot start date to get stats from. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format. It refers to the fromDate Appointment property.

toDate: optional, the Appointment slot end date to end getting stats. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format. It refers to the endDate Appointment property.

fromTs: optional, the Appointment creation date to get stats from. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format. It refers to the ts Appointment property.

toTs: optional, the Appointment creation date to end getting stats. It MUST be in UTC and in ISO 8601 format. It refers to the ts Appointment property.

calendarId: optional, id of the Calendar which the appointment belongs. If specified, the endpoint returns stats about the Appointments belonging to that Calendar..

IMPORTANT: date properties should be used consistently. Use fromDate and toDate properties OR fromTs and toTS. Do not mix any of those properties.

This endpoint returns a JSON, like the following:

  "total": 30,
  "completed": 13,
  "cancelled": {
    "total": 9,
    "byCustomer": 4,
    "byAgent": 5
  "ongoing": 17


total: total number of the appointments set in the given interval. It is the sum of the completed and the ongoing appointments.

completed: total number of the completed appointments. Completed appointments include cancelled appointments, too.

cancelled: an object that contains stats aboyt cancelled appointments, by customers and/or by agents and their sum (total). A cancelled appointment is a also a completed appointment, with details about the cancellation.

ongoing: ongoing appointments; In other words: Appointments set that aren't completed. Or, the difference between the number of total appointments and the number of completed ones.

Interaction Engine Blocks

The Vivocha Interaction Engine has three new blocks dedicated to the Appointments Scheduler.

Moreover, it is possible to change the current calendar to be used by the following blocks. It is possible to read the current Calendar Id accessing the script context property.

Setting that property in a SetData Block with another Calendar Id, results in changing the Calendar for the current conversation. Obviously, the starting Calendar Id is the one linked to the referenced Campaign, if set.

Get Appointment Types

This block (get-appointment-types) reads the Calendar linked to the current Campaign, and saves in the configured temp.<tempName> context property an array of strings containing the Appointment Types names, as defined in the Calendar. If tempName is not configured, the list of Appointment Types names is saved in temp.appointmentTypes context property. Then, the returned list of strings can be used to let customers choose a type of Appointment to book.

Get Availabilities

This block (get-availabilities), given the Calendar configured in the current Campaign and its configuration, computes all the available time slots for a particular Appointment Type, saving them in the configured temp.<tempName> context property. If tempName is not configured, the computed availabilities are saved in temp.availabilities context property.

The other block settings to configure are the following:

appointmentType: required, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the Appointment Type name as a string;

fromDate: optional, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the starting date to compute time slots availabilities. The fromDate must be a valid UTC date string in ISO 8601 format. If not specified, tha starting date will be set to the first next hour after the now (date-time at the moment that the block is executed). If configured, and also the startIn setting is set, this property have precedence over startIn that will be ignored.

startIn: optional, used by the system only if the fromDate setting is not set, it allows to specify a time point in the future from the "current now" to start the availabilities computation. This setting is a string in the following format: <amount>[m | h | d], where:

  • <amount> is an integer number >= 1
  • m means minutes, then the resulting computation start date will be: now + amount minutes
  • h means hours, then the resulting computation start date will be: now + amount hours
  • d means days, then the resulting computation start date will be: day of now + amount days but starting at the beginning of the day.


  • 45m: now + 45 minutes
  • 48h: now + 48 hours
  • 6d: now + 6 days at time 00:00:000

days: required, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the number of days (starting from and including the day in fromDate) to compute the time slots availabilities for the chosen Appointment Type. Allowed maximum number of days is 15, if you need to compute availabilities for more days you must repeat block execution changing the startIn and days parameters.

As written above, the computed availabilities are stored in the temp.<tempName> or temp.availabilities context property, and they are an array of objects as follows:

  from: "<start date as ISO 8601 string in the calendar/appointment type timezone>",
  fromUTC: "<start date as ISO 8601 string in UTC>",
  formatted: "<start date string formatted using the calendar/appointment type timezone and contact language>",
  timezone: "<string about IANA Timezone used>",
  tzOffset: "<number as Timezone offset in minutes>"

Set Appointment

Given a date-time slot, this block (set-appointment) creates a new Appointment in the Calendar. If, during the potentially concurrent Appointment creation, the date-time slot isn't longer available, the block exits through the configured dateNotAvailable output.

This block accepts the following settings:

tempName: optional, the context temp data slot name to save the created appointment data, if successful;

appointmentType: required, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the Appointment Type name as a string;

summary: required, a summary string about the Appointment, it can include templates;

description: optional, a description string about the Appointment, it can include templates;

fromDate: required, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the starting date as UTC ISO 8601 string of the Appointment;

timezone: optional, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the timezone of the Appointment, if not specified it is automatically retrieved from Calendar;

name: optional, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the full name string of the customer/prospect booking the appointment;

email: required, the data source (const value or a context data property) where to get the email address of the customer/prospect booking the appointment;

includeDataCollection: required, boolean to indicate if include current data collection in the Appointment data or not;

tags: optional (currently not used), data source (const value or a context data property) where to get routing tags;

exclusiveAgents: optional (currently not used), data source (const value or a context data property) where to get exclusive agents ids.

If the appointment creation and setup are successful, then the new appointment data is saved to the temp.<tempName> context property or, if tempName setting is not specified, data is saved to temp.appointment script context data slot. The saved appointment data is an object with the following properties:

  id: "<string id>",
  type: "<appointment type string>",
  summary: "<string, appointment summary>",
  description: "<string, appointment description, if set>",
  timezone: "<string, timezone of the appointment, if set>",
  fromDate: "<appointment start date, UTC based, ISO 8601 date-time string>",
  toDate: "<appointment end date, UTC based, ISO 8601 date-time string>",
  duration: "<number, the duration of the appointment>",
  code: "<appointment unique code>"

In case of an External Appointment, the saved data object has also the location property, set to the location of the appointment, if available. The location property is an object like the following:

  name: "<location name, string>",
  latitude: "<number>",
  longitude: "<number>",
  googlePlaceId: "<string>",
  countryCode: "<string>",
  countryName: "<string>",
  region: "<string>",
  address: "<string>",
  city: "<string>"

Opening Hours

Vivocha Opening Hours is an object that allows you to define when a support center is open and active. This operation can be done defining a list of time intervals and specifying, if necessary, a list of exceptions (when the support center is not available).

The OpeningHours object has the following properties:

intervals (optional) array of TimeInterval List of opening hours intervals expressed in TimeInterval format.
exceptions (optional) array of TimeInterval List of exception intervals expressed in TimeInterval format.


TimeInterval can be defined specifing hours and minutes properties (for days); days of the week (dayOfWeek), days of the month (dayOfMonth), months and years.

hours (optional) ValueInterval The starting and the ending hours of the days. To include a whole day interval, simply exclude the hours property from the interval. However this practice is not recommended, it's a good practice, and a more effective way to set hours, specifying the precise range of hours that are really useful, depending on the business case; for example: 9-18, 8-17, and so on...
minutes (optional) ValueInterval Specifies the starting and the ending minutes related to the previously defined hours in the hours property. Must be used in conjunction with the hours property.
dayOfWeek (optional) ValueInterval The interval of the week.
dayOfMonth (optional) ValueInterval Days of the month
month (optional) ValueInterval Months of the year starting from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
year (optional) ValueInterval Years included in the interval

All of these properties are optional and expressed in ValueInterval format that describes a time interval that has a beginning and an end. A ValueInterval object has the following properties:

from (optional) number The start of the interval
to (optional) number The end of the interval

The interval of the week dayOfWeek indicates the number of the day as follows:

Value Description
1 Indicates Monday
2 Indicates Tuesday
3 Indicates Wednesday
4 Indicates Thursday
5 Indicates Friday
6 Indicates Saturday
7 Indicates Sunday

If no TimeIntervalproperty is defined, opening hours are always valid, thus the support center is always open. When a property is not defined is implied that the value of that property is the maximum interval property.

For example if you want to set this opening hours: every day from 9:00 to 17:00, then the intervals array must contain a single TimeInterval object like the following:

  "intervals": [
      "hours": {
        "from": 9,
        "to": 17

Some Examples


An interval from monday to friday from 9:00 to 17:00:

  "intervals": [
      "dayOfWeek": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 5
      "hours": {
        "from": 9,
        "to": 17


An interval from 9:15 to 18:30:

  "intervals": [
      "hours": {
        "from": 9,
        "to": 18
      "minutes": {
        "from": 15,
        "to": 30

Days of week

An interval from monday to friday:

  "intervals": [
      "dayOfWeek": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 5

Days of Month

An interval from the 12th to the 23th day (included) of the month:

  "intervals": [
      "dayOfMonth": {
        "from": 12,
        "to": 23


The following example shows an interval 'from January to June':

  "intervals": [
      "month": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 6


'An interval from 2021 to 2022' defining the year property:

  "intervals": [
      "year": {
        "from": 2021,
        "to": 2022

An interval from January to May only for the year 2021:

  "intervals": [
      "month": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 5
      "year": {
        "from": 2021,
        "to": 2021

An Opening Hours Complete JSON Example

The following example defines the opening hours of a support center opened from monday to Friday from 9:15 to 17:30. The support center is closed during these intervals (exceptions):

  • on June 2nd (every year)

  • on June 16th of 2023 from 9:00 to 13:00

  • from 22nd to 31st December from 13:15 to 17:30

  • on 1st of every month of the year 2023

  "intervals": [
      "dayOfWeek": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 5
      "hours": {
        "from": 9,
        "to": 17
      "minutes": {
        "from": 15,
        "to": 30
  "exceptions": [
      "dayOfMonth": {
        "from": 2,
        "to": 2
      "month": {
        "from": 6,
        "to": 6
      "dayOfMonth": {
        "from": 16,
        "to": 16
      "month": {
        "from": 6,
        "to": 6
      "year": {
        "from": 2023,
        "to": 2023
      "hours": {
        "from": 9,
        "to": 13
      "dayOfMonth": {
        "from": 22,
        "to": 31
      "month": {
        "from": 12,
        "to": 12
      "hours": {
        "from": 13,
        "to": 17
      "minutes": {
        "from": 15,
        "to": 30
      "dayOfMonth": {
        "from": 1,
        "to": 1
      "year": {
        "from": 2023,
        "to": 2023

Feel free to report an error in this documentation, a typo, or missing documentation opening an issue in this repo.

Thank you.


Vivocha Appointments Scheduler technical and API documentation






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