Perl REPL in Shell: a simple REPL for Perl 5 written in Bash with grep, sed, awk, and Perl.
It runs wherever Perl, Bash, grep, sed, and awk run. (In short, it's portable.)
This project aims to be a good|fun|easy REPL that has value for general programming and data analysis with Perl. Low barrier to entry, quick productivity. You may find it useful as well as easy to understand.
- you can start the REPL and add valid Perl statements line-by-line
- a new subroutine or for loop can be on entirely on a single line or multi-line; if multi-line, close the scope with "}##"
- run current code with parameters (must be handled as @ARGV)
- run a specific function with or without parameters
- the code is checked (perl -I . -c $file) after every statement (subroutines and loops must be completed before they are checked)
- import an existing Perl file (see the sample template)
- create checkpoint files
- you can append a DATA section to the code and work with the data
- export the result as a checkpoint file that contains both your code and the DATA (a complete "notebook", a sort of Stupyder Notebook (o: )
- ls dir, grep $somefile for "sub" and "package"
- list valid REPL commands, command history, and list the current code
- on exit, the code is saved to a file named using a date-stamp
- if perldoc is detected, you can search (Perldoc is a separate installation)
- if perltidy is detected, it is used to improve the display of code
- if an imported module does not export a method mentioned in the qw(), the module may need to be updated using cpan or cpanminus
- add search highlight for given string
- enable comment of a previous line or sequence of lines
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- Bash, Perl, grep, sed, awk
- other REPLs, from simple (Python) to complex (Jupyter)
- Readline vi Mode
- This post by Mike Stroyan:
Subject: Re: Readline history and bash's read -e
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 16:36:20 -0600
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If Preplish doesn't meet your needs, there are alternatives.
Some Perl folks use the Perl debugger:
perl -de 0
If you need more features, this Perl REPL is a well-known alternative: