The official IMI showtime Website:
every push to master, including drafts:
every push to master, without drafts (same as production):
A detailed step by step guide is here.
Short Explanation
- Fork the project to your GitHub account.
- Clone the project: (cloning the archive submodule is optional)
2.a Without archive submodule:
git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:<your-account>/showtime-website.git
cd showtime-website
git submodule update --init project-archive
2.b Complete with archive submodules:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules [email protected]:<your-account>/showtime-website.git
cd showtime-website
Create a branch. Never change main directly, but keep it synced with the main repository and discard the branch.
Create a new project directory for your project by duplicating either the bachelor's or the master's sample project directory:
cp -R archetypes/semester/bachelor/b0-template/ content/ws#_or_ss#/bachelor/b#-your-project/
cp -R archetypes/semester/master/m0-template/ content/ws#_or_ss#/master/m#-your-project/
Fill out your project's homepage
and any subpages in your project's directory you'd like to keep. Delete the subpages you don't need. -
Preview your changes locally to make sure everything looks fine by executing
hugo server --buildDrafts
and visiting http://localhost:1313/ in your browser. (of usemake
) -
Add your changes to the git index, commit them to the repository and push them to GitHub.
Create a new pull request on GitHub that merges your version of the repo's
branch onto the htw-imi-showtimemaster
branch. For more info see
Note: we are essentially using the "Forking Workflow" as described in the Atlassian Documentation here:
I've started a documentation on how we should use the forking workflow here: (will not be merged to main due to file sizes)
You can find a short documentation about updating your fork and clone here
You can easily deploy your fork on GH-Pages by following the instructions here:
The workflow is ".github/workflows/gh-pages-action.yml"
For a detailed Description of the Website Release process, see this page:
You can find a documention in the following sub-page: doc/
In addition to the required content you can add sub-pages.
Please consider:
- the Urheberrecht for all material you provide: Include the information (source, creator etc.) in the caption
- please reduce the file sizes for all images and videos that are included in the site
A comprehensive guide to using content blocks, images, galleries, videos and GitHub gists can be found here.
This repository contains a utility script to transition the website to a new semester.
It changes the semester set in the config file (current_semester
in config/_default/config.toml
) and
scaffolds the folder structure for the projects of the new semester.
./ <semester>
Example: Transitioning to summer semester 2022
./ ss22
Every push to main results in a deploy to
- development: (with drafts)
- staging: (without drafts)
Staging Deployment Details
Every push on main is deployed to the Github Page in the repo
see the workflow definition in .github/workflows/deploy-staging.yml
the secret ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY in
is defined in
For production, each github release is build and scp'ed to
see the workflow definition in .github/workflows/deploy-production.yml
for the scp, the rsa key credentials must be set correctly in the Repo's Secrets - generate new ones with root access on the server if lost.
- Tag the according commit and push the tag: git tag 2021.1.2 git push
with 2021.1 for the first semester in 2021 (summer) and .2 for the second version.