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vivaxGEN NGS-Pipeline

The vivaxGEN NGS-Pipeline is an open-source, unopinionated pipeline for variant calling (upstream/secondary processing) of paired-end short reads or singleton long reads NGS data.

The output of the pipeline is raw VCFs that will need to be post-processed in the downstream analysis (such as resetting for minimum depth, filtering for high quality/known variants, refining the heterozygous calls, processing indels, etc). The post-processing tasks will be specific to the objective of the analysis and currently are not within the scope of the pipeline.

The vivaxGEN NGS-Pipeline can be installed on laptops, servers or cluster/HPC system without the need of administrator/root privileges. The only requirement is a UNIX-based system supported by micromamba (eg. various Linux distributions, WSL2, MacOSX) with preinstalled curl and bash (these two programs are usually installed in the base system).

The pipeline can be installed in any directory. The installation process will not clutter the home directory of the user who performs the installation, with the exception of cache directory which usually resides in ~/.cache and additional environment line in ~/.conda/environment.txt (if the file already exists), both can be removed manually. Once installed, the pipeline can be used by any users who have read access to the installation directory.


For extensive documentation with tutorials, usage instructions and developer guide (for extending the pipeline), please visit the main documentation site.

Quick Installation

To install ngs-pipeline with all of its dependencies, run the following command on shell/terminal:

"${SHELL}" <(curl -L

When prompted for the directory to install the pipeline, enter the directory where the pipeline will be installed. Make sure that the installation process finish successfully. Take a note of the directory where the pipeline is installed and the full path of its activation script.

The installation takes about 5-15 minutes (depending on internet speed), and uses about 5-6 GB of storage.

To uninstall the pipeline, simply remove the whole installation directory.

Updating the Pipeline

The pipeline can be updated by executing the command:


Do note that this only updates the pipeline but does not necessarily update the dependencies installed by micromamba and python pip. To fully update everything, a full installation needs to be performed.

Getting Started

A quick tutorial on setting up the environment and running the variant calling process with the pipeline using P vivax data is available here.

Quick Overview

Initally, the vivaxGEN NGS-Pipeline was developed to cater the need to perform upstream processing of sequencing data produced within vivaxGEN project. However, the pipeline is generic enough to be used for any kind of sequencing projects that require variant-calling processing. The pipeline uses snakemake for its workflow system and relies on micromamba to provide its dependencies. The micromamba dependencies and all settings is arranged using mechanism as described in this repo.

There are two modes of working with the pipeline:

  • multi-stage mode

    The multi-step mode allows users to process samples incrementally from different sample batches in consistent ways, and is suitable for processing high number of samples from WGS experiments.

    The minimal steps are:

    1. Preparing sample directory structure

      This step involves generating sample directory structures as working directory for the pipeline. Each sample will be processed in its own directory. The basic command for this step is:

      ngs-pl prepare-sample-directory -o OUTPUT_DIR -i MANIFEST_FILE INPUT_DIR
    2. Running variant caller for each sample

      This step involves running variant caller for each sample in parallel. The result of this step would be a set of GVCF files for each sample. The basic command is:

      ngs-pl run-sample-variant-caller DIRECTORY_1 [DIRECTORY_2 ...]
    3. Running joint variant caller combining all samples

      This step involves running a joint-variant calling for all samples after each sample has been variant-called individually from the previous above steps. The final result would be a set of VCF files containing the variants of all samples. The basic command is:

      ngs-pl run-joint-variant-caller -o OUTPUT_DIR DIRECTORY_1 [DIRECTORY_2 ...]

    There is a special command run-multistep-variant-caller that will execute the above commands consecutively and can be used if there is only one sample batch. However it is advised to perform the above commands manually if the sample set is big or there are several sample batches.

  • single-step mode

    A single-step mapping/variant-calling suitable for targeted sequencing, such as panel and amplicon sequencing, with smaller number of samples. The basic command for this mode is:

    ngs-pl run-targeted-variant-caller -o OUTPUT_DIR INPUT_DIR/*.fastq.gz

See the documentation for available commands.

Overview of ngs-pipeline Setting Up

Since ngs-pipeline is a variant-calling pipeline, it requires one to setup a proper environment with reference sequences and any other settings before it can be run properly.

Steps to performed in setting-up ngs-pipeline are:

  1. Create a base environemnt directory
  2. Generate and edit activation script in the base working directory
  3. Prepare reference sequence, region files and other necessary files
  4. Create a YAML-based configuration file, with proper values for each parameter

For further information about setting up the pipeline, see the tutorial.

Multi-Step Mode Features

The multi-step mode is developed to cater for incremental upstream processing with several batches of samples which requires fully-parallelized processing (such as WGS data) and flexible combination of configuration.

The required steps for this mode are sample directory preparation step (step-1), sample genotyping/variant-calling step (step-2) and joint variant- calling step (step-3). Step-2 is the most resource and CPU intensive step, and probably takes almost the majority of the processing time and storage space.

Some features of the multi-step mode are:

  • Flexible configuration

    The pipeline can be configured based on different data sets, different sample batch, and even to individual samples. It employs cascading configuration feature, a mechanism where the configuration files named config.yaml are read, if exist, from base environment directory down to the sample directory, with configuration closer to the sample directory taking precedence.

  • Support for incremental upstream processing

    Incremental data processing is very common in research fields that produces continuous batch of samples, such as research related to molecular surveillance. By using multiple steps in processing the data, results of any of the steps from previous batch can be used again with new batch of samples.

    For example, supposed there is initally a batch of samples needed to be processed. A user can run step-1, step-2 and step-3 to obtain final VCF files. When a new batch of samples is needed to be processed, the user will need to run only step-1 and step-2 to the new batch. Then, the user can perform step-3 by combining the results of step-2 of the previous batch and the new batch, to obtain the final VCF files from both batches. Hence, the user only needs to run step-2 on samples from the new batch, which would decrease the time and storage space needed.

  • Fully-parallelized processing

    The pipeline will try to distribute the process across available cores, or available nodes if run under a cluster system with suitable job scheduler such as slurm.

  • Support for troubleshooting errors

    With separate steps, any errors can be troubleshot prior to the next step, hence lessening the troubleshooting process.

Single-Step Mode Features

The single-step mode is provided for those that require simpler workflow for upstream processing, such as panel variant calling (variant calling with defined base positions to genotype).

The advantage of this mode is that it only requires a single command to perform all necessary steps to obtain the final VCF files.

Extending ngs-pipeline

The ngs-pipeline can be extended using Python and additional snakemake files. The Python modules and the snakemake files in the ngs-pipeline can also be imported to be used by other custom Python scripts and/or snakemake files.

To learn more about extending the pipeline or developing custom pipeline based on ngs-pipeline, see documentation.