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Access it in "production"

The application is being deployed using vercel and can be accessed here.

Needed configuration

The omdb API is being used to fetch movies' information. OMDB only allow authenticated requests to their API. Because of that a key must be sent on the query params of the request.

Create a .env file in the root folder and add the following env variables:

  • REACT_APP_API_KEY, it will inject the key on the calls to omdb API.
  • REACT_APP_API_URL, the URL to the omdb API.

An example of the needed .env file is the .env.test.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • yarn build: build the prod version of application
  • yarn start: run the application in dev mode
  • yarn test: run unit, integration and regression tests
  • yarn test:unit: run unit tests
  • yarn test:unit:watch: run unit tests in watch mode
  • yarn test:integration: run integration tests with cypress
  • yarn test:regression: run visual regression tests with cypress

Future Improvements & known issues

  • Add a loading state to movie list and details page
  • Add throttling to search and load more buttons
  • The application should check if the movie has a poster before rendering it
  • Only deploy application if the pipeline pass