Our project is built to solve the current logistical problem of Covid vaccination. People can use our platform to book vaccination slots from hospitals. Our website partners with the hospitals to display the number of available vaccines in each hospital, so that the people can book a slot according to their convenience. Our platform also takes into consideration the vulnerability of senior citizens, people with comorbidities to covid and prioritises their vaccination above others, by the use of our ML Algorithm.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/vishnu-06/Vaccine-Allotment.git
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Go to the project directory
cd covid
Enable virtual environment
source ./venv/Scripts/activate
Start the server
python3 manage.py runserver
Change admin details
Django Tutorial Part 4: Django admin site
Client: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap v4.0
Server: Django
Database: MySQLite DB Browser
Landing Page
Login Page
Patient Home Page
Choose Hospital
Allotment Status
Hospital Landing Page
Vaccine Inventory