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d3-plot3d is a D3 plugin that allows users to plot 3D data, lines, polygons, curves, and surfaces.


If you use NPM, npm install d3-plot3d. Otherwise, download the latest release.

API Reference


d3-plot3d projects data in the form of points using the logic employed by perspective projections. It is meant to be used with D3 and allows users to visualize 3d data and transformations on SVG's.

An example usage is shown below:

let svg ='body').append('svg')
            .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
            .attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
let plot = d3.plot3d()
                   .scale({scale: 10})
                   .origin({origin: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}})
                   .axes({xRange: 10, yRange: 10, zRange: 10})
                   .plot({type: 'line', data: [{x: 5, y: 10, z: 10}, {x: 10, y: 15, z: 10}], attributes: {stroke: 'purple'}}) 
                   .plot({type: 'polygon', data: [{x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, {x: 10, y: 10, z: 10}, {x: 0, y: 10, z: 0}], attributes: {fill: 'orange'}}) 
                   .plot({type: 'curve', data: {x: (t) => 3*Math.cos(t), y: (t) => 3*Math.sin(t), z: (t) => t, tMin: -10, tMax: 10, tStep: 0.1}, attributes: {stroke: 'brown'}})
                   .plot({type: 'curve', data: {x: (t) => -3*Math.cos(t), y: (t) => 3*Math.sin(t), z: (t) => t, tMin: -10, tMax: 10, tStep: 0.1}, attributes: {stroke: 'maroon'}})
                   .plot({type: 'point', data: [{x: 10, y:0 , z:0}], attributes: {stroke: 'maroon'}})
                   .plot({type: 'surface', data: {z: (x, y) => Math.sin((x*x+y*y))}, attributes: {fill: 'purple'}})


For a visualization of this plot, refer to the following bl.ock.

# plot3d()

Construct a new plot with default settings.

# scale({scale=100})

Defines the scale of 3d plot.

Default: scale = 100

# origin({origin={x:0, y:0, z:0}})

Defines where to place the origin of the plot. For example, if passed the point {x: 10, y:0, z:0}, then the point {x: 10, y:0, z:0} would appear at the center of the plot.

Default: origin = {x: 0, y:0, z:0}

# rotation({yaw=-2, pitch=0.66, roll=0})

Defines rotational elements according the aircraft principal axes, based on the concepts of yaw, pitch and roll. For a full visualization for how each of these individual elements affect the plot, refer to this demonstration.

Default: yaw=-2, pitch=0.66, roll=0

# rotationFactor({rotationFactor=1000})

Defines how much a mouse drag event rotates the plot where larger values cause the plot to rotate faster and vice a versa. Note that increasing/decreasing the rotation factor can affect render speed.

Default: rotationFactor=1000

# zoomFactor({zoomFactor=1})

Defines how much a click event on the + and - buttons at the top left of the plot zooms in or out. Note that increasing/decreasing the zoom factor can affect render speed

Default: zoomFactor=1000

# plot(plot)

Add a plot of specific type to the current plot. Plot types are defined as follows:

plot = {type, data, attributes} 

Plot types

POINT Represented by an svg <circle/> element. data must be an array of objects, each representing an individual point. attributes is an object consisting of optional attributes the user can set including fill, radius, and class.

Example usage:

let plot = d3.plot3d()
                    .plot({type: 'point', data: [{x: 10, y:0 , z:0}], attributes: {fill: 'maroon'}})

LINE Represented by an svg <line/>. data must be an array of 2 objects, each representing an individual point to draw the line between. attributes is an object consisting of optional attributes the user can set including stroke_width, stroke, and class.

Example usage:

let plot = d3.plot3d()
                   .plot({type: 'line', data: [{x: 5, y: 10, z: 10}, {x: 10, y: 15, z: 10}], attributes: {stroke: 'purple'}}) 

POLYGON Represented by an svg <polygon/>. data must be an array of 3 or more objects, each representing an individual point to draw the lines between in sequence. attributes is an object consisting of optional attributes the user can set including fill, opacity, and class.

Example usage:

let plot = d3.plot3d()
                   .plot({type: 'polygon', data: [{x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, {x: 10, y: 10, z: 10}, {x: 0, y: 10, z: 0}], attributes: {fill: 'orange'}}) 

CURVE Represented by an svg <path/> and can be used to draw parametric curves. data must be an object defined as follows:

data = {x: x(t), y: y(t), z: z(t), tMin, tMax, tStep}

In the above object, x, y, and z are defined as functions of t and will be graphed in the domain specified by [tMin, tMax]. Individual points will be computed within the domain by incrementing t from tMin to tMax by tStep and interpolated via d3.curveCardinal.

attributes is an object consisting of optional attributes the user can set including stroke, stroke_width, and class.

Example usage:

let plot = d3.plot3d()
                   .plot({type: 'curve', data: {x: (t) => 3*Math.cos(t), y: (t) => 3*Math.sin(t), z: (t) => t, tMin: -10, tMax: 10, tStep: 0.1}, attributes: {stroke: 'brown'}})

SURFACE Represented by an svg multiple svg <polygon/> elements consisting of 4 points. data must be an object consisting of a z attribute defined as a function of x and y (i.e. data = {z: z(x, y)}).

attributes is an object consisting of optional attributes the user can set including opacity, fill, and class. fill must be one of the following colors defined by d3's sequential single hue scales. Hence, fill must be one of the following: 'blue', 'green', 'grey', 'orange', 'purple', or 'red'.

Example usage:

let plot = d3.plot3d()
                   .plot({type: 'surface', data: {z: (x, y) => Math.sin((x*x+y*y))}, attributes: {fill: 'purple'}})

# draw()

Draw the plot according to the previously defined settings and shapes.


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