$ ./benchmark.sh speed [-g NUM-OF-GPUS]
Turn results into TeX format.
$ tree results
├── Sakura Koukaryoku
│ ├── 20200413_1319.log
│ ├── 20200414_0315.log
│ └── 20200504_1700.log
├── c5.metal
│ ├── 20200502_0618.log
│ └── 20200504_1929.log
└── n1-standard-96
├── 20200429_2235.log
└── 20200430_0045.log
3 directories, 15 files
$ ruby result2tex.rb results
% machine & w/ super-scalar & w/ CMUX Memory & program & # of cycles & runtime & sec./cycle\\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x8 & Y & Y & Fibonacci & 38 & 151.29 & 3.98 \\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x8 & Y & Y & Hamming & 832 & 2108.73 & 2.53 \\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x8 & Y & Y & Brainf*ck & 1982 & 4900.34 & 2.47 \\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x4 & Y & Y & Fibonacci & 38 & 137.75 & 3.63 \\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x4 & Y & Y & Hamming & 832 & 2091.07 & 2.51 \\
n1-standard-96 w/ V100x4 & Y & Y & Brainf*ck & 1982 & 4968.43 & 2.51 \\
c5.metal & Y & Y & Fibonacci & 38 & 167.42 & 4.41 \\
c5.metal & Y & Y & Hamming & 832 & 3604.01 & 4.33 \\
c5.metal & Y & Y & Brainf*ck & 1982 & 8592.38 & 4.34 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & N & Y & Fibonacci & 57 & 218.04 & 3.83 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & N & Y & Hamming & 1179 & 4442.22 & 3.77 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & N & Y & Brainf*ck & 2464 & 9258.25 & 3.76 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & Y & Y & Fibonacci & 38 & 163.49 & 4.3 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & Y & Y & Hamming & 832 & 3397.68 & 4.08 \\
Sakura Koukaryoku w/ V100x1 & Y & Y & Brainf*ck & 1982 & 8077.28 & 4.08 \\
$ ./benchmark.sh bottleneck [-g NUM-OF-GPUS]
Turn results into graph.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec ruby bottleneck2graph.rb -f 7 -t 10 faststat.log kvsp.log # -f and -t option can be omitted.
There is Slackbot support
git clone https://github.com/virtualsecureplatform/kvsp-benchmark.git
cd kvsp-benchmark
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libomp-dev build-essential
sudo gem install bundler -v 2.1.4
sudo gem install websocket-driver -v '0.7.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
bundle install
AWS p3.16xlarge with Ubuntu 18.04 AMI setup (we recommend to expand EBS to 12GB. 8GB is not enough.)
git clone https://github.com/virtualsecureplatform/kvsp-benchmark.git&&cd kvsp-benchmark&&sudo apt update&&sudo apt upgrade -y&&sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libomp-dev build-essential nvidia-driver-440&&sudo gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 &&sudo gem install websocket-driver -v '0.7.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'&&bundle install&&sudo reboot
GCP with Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt update&&sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libomp-dev build-essential nvidia-driver-460 git&&git clone https://github.com/virtualsecureplatform/kvsp-benchmark.git&&cd kvsp-benchmark&&sudo gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 &&sudo gem install websocket-driver -v '0.7.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'&&bundle install&&sudo reboot
AWS p3.8xlarge with Ubuntu 20.04 AMI
git clone https://github.com/virtualsecureplatform/kvsp-benchmark.git&&cd kvsp-benchmark&&sudo apt update&&sudo apt upgrade -y&&sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libomp-dev build-essential nvidia-driver-460 libz3-dev &&sudo gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 &&sudo gem install websocket-driver -v '0.7.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'&&bundle install&&sudo reboot
AWS c5.metal Ubuntu 18.04
git clone https://github.com/virtualsecureplatform/kvsp-benchmark.git&&cd kvsp-benchmark&&sudo apt update&&sudo apt upgrade -y&&sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libomp-dev build-essential &&sudo gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 &&sudo gem install websocket-driver -v '0.7.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'&&bundle install