This is a starter project for new roles. - the file you're now reading
composer.json - declaration of vendor package dependencies and auto-loader configuration
public/ - public files (visible at web document root)
js/ - JavaScript files
index.php - dispatcher
src/ - application
Controller/ - controllers
Service/ - services
templates/ - views (e.g., .twig, .php)
vendor/ - installed vendor packages
app/Dockerfile - define Docker container to run the application (for testing)
assets/ - assets (if needed)
docker-compose.yml - to spin up multiple docker containers
phpunit.xml - phpunit test configuration
tests/ - phpunit test cases
Vagrantfile - to spin up a Virtualbox VM for testing
By default, vendor/bin/phpunit
will only run unit tests.
Use vendor/bin/phpunit --group functional
to run the functional tests.
Please ensure Apache is running on localhost.