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Adam Spiers edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 5 revisions

Sprint 0816

Objective: Establish process for future sprints

Coordination Meetings

Weekly Design Review Meeting

Tuesday 08/21 @ 10am CDT. Voice & Screen Share:


Design Review Topcs:

  1. CMDB attributes
  2. Networking (seems to be skipped for this week)
  3. Style changes for Barclamp writing - using guidelines for community cookbooks to make upstreamings

Alternate name for Proposals (reiterate & clarify changes)

CMDB, Core Workflow and Attribute Flow - Judd and Greg

  • an effort to expose as much of the CMDB process as is managable to Crowbar

  • state machine "workflow and jobs" ideas

  • BarclampChef

  • graph comprehension ideas

  • Where is Chef going in terms of: ** Install *** Omnibus installer - desire of chef server insulated from system **** isolated to /opt, option to package up files as an rpm or deb ** run_list management

  • CMDB data replication into Crowbar ** Should not be ALL the CMDB data ** CmdbMaps *** From Crowbar to CMDB - to set a recipes attribute for execution *** From CMDB to Crowbar - retrieving data from node - only the mapped set *** Barclamp owns its own Map to pass the attributes **** Maps are Versioned

  • Crowbar Custom Cookbooks are too custom - solution: "Attribute Driven Recipes" ** Can leverage crowbar data, but is not happy for other contributors ** Effort to allow recipe re-use and public collaboration ** Goal: push Openstack cookbooks upstream

Cross Reference Cookbook:

Migrating Between Two Barclamps - Greg

Next Week's Design Topics

  • Core Workflow and Jobs
  • BDD & Testing

End Design Review Meeting

Sprint Coordination

Thursday 08/16 @ 8am CDT. Recording:


The following people are available for development this sprint (time zone)

  • Dell: Rob @zehicle Hirschfeld (-6), Greg Althaus (-6), Victor Lowther (-6), Andi Abes (+1), Judd Maltin (-5), ...

Review Items

This sprint we accomplished the following:

  • DevTool work to make it easier to use different remotes

    • Follow-up from Victor to the list
    • changes probably available in Victor's personal branch but not in dellcloudedge yet
  • SUSE alerted Dell about security issues in essex-hack - not major but will be patched

    • fixes on the way
  • starting to push in user auth changes

  • rough cut of CMDB abstraction - pulling attributes from Chef

  • started replumbing 2.0 API

    • will show up in dev guide
    • BDD test framework being validated concurrently
    • use the new 2.0 API version
  • lot of work in service_object.rb - queueing ported over to new object models

  • code seems to be getting a lot cleaner

  • higher expectations around test coverage going forwards

  • started plumbing UI

    • dashboard and barclamps have been ported to use db
  • Changed code path for 2.0 to skip the node rename action

    • This was confusing and is no longer needed
  • Model Changes Pending to Proposal model

    • Barclamp -> Configuration -> Instance
    • changes will surface next sprint

Process Items

Changes to improve process:

  • Discussion about what's open or not. We are ok keeping things non-shared if people want to discuss off-line and not have it published to the community.

Planned Items

  • Adam & Christoph will coordinate w/ Rob to get spec files for Dell review to absorb into new barclamp meta data
  • Dell to review URLs above to see if they influence the API.
    • Fix to dequeue proposal via REST API

This sprint we are expecting to accomplish

  • Change from Proposal to Configuration ("BarclampConfig") & Instance ("BarclampInstance")
    • UI will show "Configuration"
    • maybe UI work to create Configurations will be working
  • DevTool push of changes
  • UI auth work will start to be exposed (not wired in yet)
  • Expansion of Unit & API test coverage
    • Pre & Post steps will working
  • Networking models are showing up this sprint (not much on UI)
    • Networking will require a lot of UI work
  • CMDB work is continuing
    • Rob will contact Opscode to start pulling them in
  • Victor will email to list about the commits where these changes were made

We are likely (not committing) to merge Rails3andDB back to trunk.

  • On FRED branch

  • ohai crowbar plugin - parsing of tcpdump packet captures

    • Adam had to modify this code to fix security issues but was unable to do full testing due to lack of local LLDP network traffic
    • would be useful to build a museum of packet captures from various networks / hardware
    • and then ideally build automated tests for the packet dump parser on top of those captures
  • Blocks

    • none stated
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