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It has the following features,


MVTextFieldMoneyFormatType - Which is used to accept money format entry(like 2.5,234.50).
MVTextFeildNumberType - Which is accept only number value.
MVTextFieldStringType - Which is accept only string value.
MVTextFieldStringWithNumberType - Which is accept string with number. It won't accept special character.
MVTextFieldDefautType - Which is accept all values like default text field.


MVMailValidationType - Validate Entered text is email or not
MVEmptyValidationType - Validate textfield is empty or empty spaces.
MVValidationTypeNone - No validation.


This is custom keyboard for your specific field
MVNumberKeyBoardType - It shows custom keyboard which is created by me.

Custom Keyboard

MVTextField text margin adjust

1. Use marginValue property to adjust the text from left side.

MVTextField Restrict number of character entry

1. Use allowedTextLength to restrict the number of character entry into the textfield.
2. Use allowedDecimalLength to restrict the character entry after dot entered.

MVTextField block methods which is equalent to textfield delegate methods

TextFieldDidBeginEditBlock - Which is called while textfield edit begun.
TextFieldDidEndEditBlock - Which is called while textfield end editing.
TextDidChangeBlock - Which is called while textfield charcater change.

Who need this?

1. Who's need money format entry in text field (like 124.98)?
2. Who's need to restrict the number of character entry?
3. Whom wants to integrate custom keyboard into the text field?
4. Who's need email validation on textfield?

Future Enhancement

1. Integrate showing visual validation on textfield leftview for email,number and etc...
2. Custom keyboard customization like changing background color and title color and etc..
3. Add new type of keyboard.
4. Add icon on left and right view with simple method.


 MVTextField  *_defaultTextField=[[MVTextField alloc]init];
 //Set textfield type

//Set maximum length of text

//Set maximum length after entering dot

//Set margin value for text as well as placeholder

//Set validation type

//Set return string value if validation got failed
_defaultTextField.validationString=@"Mail id is incorrect";

//Set custom key board type if fieldtype is not a numberpad means it won't work

//Set Block method for textfield didbegin editing delegate
[_defaultTextField showWithBeginEditingValue:^(UITextField *textField) {
    NSLog(@"did begin editing");

//Set Block method for textfield endediting delegate
[_defaultTextField showWithEndEditingValue:^(UITextField *textField) {
      NSLog(@"edit end %@",textField.text);
    //check validation when textfield end editing value called by calling below method
    // If nil means validation success
    // If return the validationstring means validation got failed.
      NSLog(@"valid==%@",[_defaultTextField validateTheTextField]);

//Set Block method for textfield textdidchange delegate
[_defaultTextField showTextDidchange:^(UITextField *textField) {
    NSLog(@"text change %@",textField.text);


Style and features of textfield






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