Pathfinding Visualizer is a java swing application for visualizing pathfinding algorithms like BFS, dijkstra's and A*. It consists of a 56x28 grid that simply steps through the pathfinding algorithm.
- Download the java (if you haven't already)
- Download the github-file
- Run the jar file
- Basic user controls (start & reset)
- User defined execution speed
- User defined start/goal/wall cells
You may change the frequency of the visualization during runtime.
- By default, the frequency is 250ms/step.
- Frequency range is (10 - 1000)ms/step.
- You can vary the frequency with a step of 20ms/steps.
See the running visualizer with A* algorithm:
- Magenta - Start cell
- Red - Goal cell
- Black - Wall cell or a cell with highest weight
- Green - Cell has been visited and all its edges examined.
- Blue - Cell has been found by the pathfinder but is yet to be examined
- Cyan - Cell is part of the shortest path from the start cell to the goal
The program currently allows you to search the grid with BFS, dijkstra's algorithm or A*.