a react hook that loads facebook sdk
For some reason facebook official docs don't provide a react example as if the react team and the social login team dont like each other :)
This repo contains all you need to use facebook sdk in any react application.
# put this in .npmrc ( either global or in a repository root )
# run
npm install @viggin543/[email protected]
Then in a react component:
// make sure this comp is mounted only once
// else every time facebook sdk will be fetched again
// and you dont want multiple instances of fb sdk in your app
const SomeRootLevelComponnent = () => {
const { fbSdkReady } = useFacebookSdk('<your-fb-app-id>', 'v9.0', 'en_US')
return fbSdkReady ? <p>sdk ready</p> : <p>sdk loading ...</p>
To test this works, open network tab and see call fo fetch facebook sdk was made
// a simple example on how to use FB sdk ( window.FB )
// to implement a custom login button
function FBLoginButton() {
const handleFbResponse = function (authResponse: AuthResponse) {
const token = authResponse?.accessToken
// do something with fb tocken. like calling the backend...
const onClick = () => {
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response: FBAuthResponse) {
if (response.status == 'connected') {
} else {
FB.login(async function ({ authResponse, status }: FBAuthResponse) {
if (status == 'connected') {
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>CONTINUE WITH FACEBOOK</button>
export interface AuthResponse {
accessToken: string
userID: string
expiresIn: number
signedRequest: string
graphDomain: string
data_access_expiration_time: number
export interface FBAuthResponse {
authResponse: AuthResponse
status: 'connected' | 'not_authorized' | 'unknown'