💾 docker container for urbackup-server
UrBackup is an easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system, that through a combination of image and file backups accomplishes both data safety and a fast restoration time.
docker pull tristanteu/urbackup-docker
docker run \
--name urbackup \
--restart=always \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v /home/docker/urbackup/db/:/var/urbackup \
-v /media/8tb.wd.red/backup/:/backup \
--net="host" \
-d tristanteu/urbackup-docker
docker run \
--rm tristanteu/urbackup-docker --help
Cleaning the backup folder of files not known by UrBackup Database
urbackup dokumentation
docker run \
-v /home/docker/urbackup/db/:/var/urbackup \
-v /media/8tb.wd.red/backup/:/backup \
--rm tristanteu/urbackup-docker remove-unknown
Percent of space to free on the backup storage or the number of Bytes/ Megabytes/ Gigabytes e.g. “20G” or “10%”.
If it should only delete old backups use “0%”.
urbackup dokumentation
docker run \
-v /home/docker/urbackup/db/:/var/urbackup \
-v /media/8tb.wd.red/backup/:/backup \
--rm tristanteu/urbackup-docker cleanup --amount 0%
if you don't want to use net="host" you can expose the following ports
-p 55413-55415:55413-55415 \
-p 35623:35623 \
$ git clone https://github.com/firsttris/urbackup-docker.git
$ cd urbackup-docker
$ docker build -t tristanteu/urbackup-docker .
- on the first start urbackup complains about the backup directory
- set /backup to your backup directory (settings)
- mount this directory to your actual backup directory on your host
-v /media/12TBWDRED/yourActualBackupDirectory/:/backup
- ensure correct permissions on the host folders your mounting
chmod 777 -R /home/docker/urbackup/
chmod 777 -R /media/8tb.wd.red/backup/
See the CODE
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).