For Fitting Code:
- Get the library from and install in you local directory.
- Once your setup is ready. Use the three files fit-model.h, helper.cpp and helper.hpp
- fit-model.h brings the fit-model code for your implementation and model_data with output of the fitting
- helper.cpp and helper.hpp are for the fitting on the single and multiple images. Later with pose normalisation and inpainting. In this file paths to be given are
- Labeled Faces in Wild is used for the project-
- "path/to/imagedataset/" should have dir structure as
- Facial Landmarks are generated using DLib landmark detection.
- output folder will be in "path/to/imagedataset/" as
frontalimages/ - front face image
models/ - for isomaps
- For recognition part RSC algorithm is used. Code provide by Xavier Fontaine from his work.