Scalable application for tweaking a photo of a face. Ex: Adding beard, changing eye color, making her smile
Keywords: Image morphing, seamless cloning, factory design pattern
Cauim de Souza Lima
Gabriel Fedrigo Barcik
Victor Hugo Vianna
Java 1.8
OpenCV 3.2
Setup the JAVA_HOME environment variable. To compile, open a shell and run
$ ./
To start the application, add the desired image file as image.jpg (jpg, not jpeg) to the project root, open a shell and run
$ ./
Choose which tweak you want to apply and the option (Ex: Change eye color / Blue eyes).
Important: After the tweaked image is shown, PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE. Do not close the image!
To implement a new feature, it suffices to create a new folder in lib/features that contains YourClass.h/YourClass.cpp (inheriting from BaseFeature) and a 'media' directory with the images you will use during the morphing. You also need to adapt engine/main.cpp accordingly.